What to put on the front of my binder?

School starts the 31st and I need to put something fun on the front of my binder! I like colors! Lots of them! Light blue Neons The world Bands buttons (like the pins you put on your bag that say cool stuff) Vintage QUOTES (im big on quotes”

Im 14 if that tells you anything haha and Im not a really girly girl, and im not a tomboy… Im in between some may argue that im scene/emo but I dont really agree but at times I do… Im a brainiac and tend to show it

If you could give me some pics or stuff to type out and print to put on there that would be great!

Thanks in advance

Answer #1

oops wrong board!!!

Answer #2

I have a pic I think you might like :) if you don’t want it fun mail me , I have dozens more lol

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