I madeout with this guy the other night

I madeout with this guy the other night and I really like him but he has a girlfriend, when we madeout I knew he had a girlfriend but I just went along with what he did, now I I ilke him even more, it was my first time makingout, I just really dont know what to do because I was talking to his friend about it and his friend told me it meant nothing to the guy, so I’v tried telling him I like him, but he wont ever say anything when I say that, what do I do? do I let him go? or keep trying to text him? but he still has this girlfriend, im just soo confused!

Answer #1

let him go… he doesnt sound to nice as the other person said.. leading you on and cheating on his girlfriend and I feel you were kinda unfair too by going ahead with it.. ok so imagine you went out with him and he made out with another girl how wud you feel ? I know its hard because you cant help but fall in love with him but he sounds like he just used you that night and isnt that nice ago so let him go there will be better guys out there for u

Answer #2

If I were you, I’d let him go. He has a girlfriend and he made the mistake by cheating on her. He also make the mistake of leading you on while in a different relationship. If his friend told you that this make out session meant nothing to hjm, he’s not even worth it. You deserve better, sorry.

Answer #3

if he cheated on her, chances are he would cheat on you.

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