What to do with a finance degree now that the markets are dead?

I have a bachelors of finance and 3 years experience at a brokerage firm. I’d like to transition into somethign else, even something like financial investigator for the CIA. I’m having trouble figuring out what is good. Anyone have ideas about what to do with a finance degree now that the markets are dead? I’d love to go back for a masters degree if necessary

Answer #1

Alright well, as you know a lot of people are freaking out about the stock market, and just money, their businesses in general. I understand you are one of them I am too I’ll admit ! But the Economy is changing drastically and we will eventually get used to it in a few years! Haha, anyways don’t give up, whatever don’t kill you will make you much stronger and hold on!

Answer #2

I know you can work in the Human Resource side of a company. They have financial experts figure out the expenditures for the company anywhere from new furnishings to all the expense in copy machines and equipment that requires keeping figures and budgets. Good Luck, Mama K

Answer #3

Perhaps, you can go for retraining and build another career on top of the one you already have. Nice post

Answer #4

A great question/post in depicting the sign of our times. I enjoyed the post very much. Thanks

Answer #5

The market is down at the moment, certainly not ‘dead’ - like the climate, it cycles.

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