What to do im ugly?

K im ugly and fat right im a guy 13 and I want a girlfriend but im ugly so how am I meant to get a girlfriend

Answer #1

ooo! I know!! Plenty of people think I’m ugly too, mostly people think I’m average looking. Basically you need to embrace your ugliness and feel better about yourself. There will be a day when you can look in the mirror and say “Screw the media! I love who I am because I am unique!” I hate to break it to you but a lot of people don’t get a girlfriend or boyfriend until high school, or later! And by the way, sometimes it’s better to be single than in a relationship. The first step is ALWAYS confidence. If you have that then you will get noticed more. I know a girl who’s super overweight, but she wears mini skirts and string shirts and she doesn’t care how she looks. She wears what she likes no matter what. Plus she’s really popular so that sure says something. I think the key to being popular is to be wild and confident, but not TOO weird. I went overboard on the weirdness there, but nonetheless! Your time will go by faster if you concentrate on the good things in life. And hey, life is short, I didn’t just wait around for the “right person”, I asked out a lot of people, and I’m a girl. It passes the time and sometimes you get surprised and find out you like someone you never thought you would. And if all else fails you can always jack off :] you know all the lonely people in the world should get together so they wouldn’t be so lonely. If you search sad songs on Youtube I bet you there are a lot of lonely people out there that you can relate to. Ps. girls get lonely too, you are SO not alone.

Answer #2

nah,..just because I think a guy is hot and I wna start smthn with him dsnt mean I’m shallow…if he turns out to be nice then thats awesome if not and I continue being with him then yea I’m shallow! anyway looks are just an easier way to get girls bt you don’t always really get them, you know! and btw I know a lot of fat guys that girls just die for!

Answer #3

no because if I do that they will only like me for my looks so how will that help because if they only like me for my looks then they are shalow and I would not date them

Answer #4

Want to build confidence? Workout build muscle. You will lose weight, Look better. And women will like you more.

Answer #5

I am not saying you are fat or ugly, but if you are you can still get a girlfriend. You are only 13 and have the rest of your life to be in a relationship, dont rush it. You will meet a girl who will like you no matter what, promise. Like I said, dont rush. And don’t worry about having to change yourself. The right girl will come around.

Answer #6

iight 1 no ones ugly, 2 have confidence cus on girl like a guy who thinks of himself badly. and weight dont worry about it I’ve had a great lookn girl taken from me by a big guy, dont sweat it, when you goto school make girls laugh but dont try to hard, be nice to them, but dont be a push over, when you speak to them dont be shy just ask them wuts up, wud they do this week stuff like that, now when you go to school walk proud and dont let anyone put you down yo, limmie know if that help’d

Answer #7

mkay. honestly, looks dont mean as much as personality. and yer 13. seriously, yu shouldnt be so focused on relationships. yu have sooo many yearss in the future to worry aboutt that. if yu have a nice personality, yer bound to found a girlfriend(: dont rush itt.

Answer #8

if you have friends that are girls you could ask one you “like”in that way to go out with you

Answer #9

amanda I put ths up for advice not to be juged

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