What to do if I have no eye liner left?

Well I cant find my eyeliner. I NEED it. dont write back and say “ oh well im sure your beutyfull with out it” I need it! help

Answer #1

^^ aggreed with the crayon .. works really well . x :)

Answer #2

eyeshaddow works a treat or if you ent got any of that put a thick line of mascara on your bottom lashes v close to your eye to give an illusion its eyeliner - a black crayon also works as a quick fix but make sure its nontoxic

Answer #3

Take a VERY BLACK eyeshadow and make it into a powder then take some lotion and mix it VERYYY Well Orrr..Take a fine pencil brush and put it in your mascara,Voila Instant Eyeliner. xx

Answer #4

this might sound abit mad but when I run outta eye liner I used a black coloring pencil lick the end of the pencil then use that

Answer #5

buy a new one

Answer #6

Omggg omggg I completely understand! Okayy do this use a veryyy thin brush and put black eyeshadow and then smug it alil lil bit.

Answer #7

try darkening your eyelashes more with mascara… it’ll bring out your eyes. also, line your eyes with a dark eyeshadow…

Answer #8

buy some new eyeliner?

Answer #9

will lining using your cream black eyeshadow work?

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