What single word sums up FunAdvice, if there is one?

Today, and for a while now, I’ve been having a bit of “identity crisis” on the “positioning” of FunAdvice. See, my background isn’t in marketing, while my day job is dealing with search engines, there isn’t any traditional segmentation, market analysis, positioning, branding or anything involved in my work.

When I think of Google, I think “search” or “knowledge”…or even, in some ways, “answers”. When I think of Amazon, I think “shopping”. Paypal, I think “money”. When I think of MySpace, I think “personalization” or maybe “self expression”.

To me, FunAdvice is about…well, a lot of things. Communicating? Connecting? Learning? Sharing? Exploring? Discovering? What word encompasses it for you?

Answer #1

I believei is a helpful and willing supportive community.

Answer #2


edit Also, I think the word ‘supportive’ describes the site too.

Answer #3


Answer #4


Answer #5


Answer #6

I was going to say- SUPPORTIVE as well, so put me down for one more vote for that word. a lot of people look to this site for advice, or camaraderie, when they are down or have an issue. COMMUNITY would fit the bill as well. SUPPORTIVE. or COMMUNITY.

Answer #7

If I had to pick a single word, I think it would be ‘coffee shop’. (okay, that’s two words)

To me, this site is sort of like a coffee shop where you can joke around and discuss hobbies with familiar personalities, but serious discussions can sometimes break out too, and the collective wisdom can often help someone.

It’s not just about the Jonas Brothers!

Answer #8

Fun? Lol…

Answer #9

… available

Answer #10

Sorry, two words…

honest freedom or freely honest

Answer #11

I would say a good adjective to describe this site is effervescent. One definition of effervescent is marked by high spirits or excitement. It is exciting to think that your advice can have the ability to help others. Others get enjoyment from reading the advice and perhaps, learning something that you never knew.

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