What should I do when my boyfriend is fingering me?

Hi, im 15 and my boyfriend is 17. Well the other week he tried to finger me but I wasnt ready because I wasnt really sure what it actually meant. Well so I did some research on it and know that I have found out what it is I want to, but im no sure what im suppose to do in the time that hes doing it.

Answer #1

Well the main thing is making sure you are 100% ready, I mean if you just figured out within the past week what it even is I’m not so sure you could be completely ready yet. And the reason I say this is because research isn’t going to tell you exactly what will happen in your personal case, you never know. You need to have communication skills with the person before doing anything sexual and you absolutely need to set boundaries. Once he fingers you he is most likely going to want to go further (oral sex, sexual intercourse) and that turns into a big deal. So you need to discuss with him exactly what you are ready for and what you aren’t ready - don’t let him or anyone even manipulate you that way. You need to be confident he will stop if you say “no” and you need to be sure you will stand up for yourself if he goes too far. I think you have more thinking to do because the stuff on the internet is written by adults - they don’t understand teenage boys these days. If you have any questions you can FunMail me if you want and I’d be happy to help you out.

Answer #2

I agree he is gunna want to go further once this happens so definatley make sure you want to do this and your not just doing it because he wants to! if he loves you he will respect you and do what you say so this will be a test to see if he actually does care about you and isnt just innit to see what he can get. so definatley make sure you respect yourself and he will respect you! good luck with that

Answer #3

if it feels good lay bavck and enjoy , if it hurts or is not good your either not ready or he is pushing you to hard

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