What should I do to show him I love him?

Im getting married in jan and me and my husband are trying to find a place, so recently we have had a few discussions and I’ve ended up cryin about money worrys ect. He seems to love his pc more then me at times and I’ve been destracting him with sex but how else can I get him to spend time with me? I’ve tried talkin to him about it and make him romantic meals but nothins working. What should I do?

Answer #1

if he wants to dont you mean we? I do understand tho thats very true. we cant put the wedding off tho we’ve payed and booked everythin and I dont have another 2 grand to pay for it again. but I’ve tried talking and tried writing but he reads it and laughs and goes back to his game. he just doesnt think its a prob and thinks if hes in the same room then were having quality time lol. then again it doesnt help we just live in a room atm so the pc is always in reach.

Answer #2

Then at least stop giving him sex. Maybe that will get his attention or threaten to put of the wedding, that could also make him listen to you.

Answer #3

Putt of the wedding till he listens to you.

If he’s not giving you attention now, then he isn’t going to give you enough attention when you get married.

So either try and talk to him again, ask him if him and you can speak in private away from the computer, if that doesn’t work, write him a letter and tell him how you feel.

Oh and stop distracting him with sex. Sex should be there because he wants to, not because you need his attention.

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