What should I do I am scared?

I am in college along with my boyfriend of one year and we just learned I am pregnant. He told me that he wants me to have an abortion but I dont want to. I tried to tell him that I want to keep the baby but he became really upset and now I dont know what to do. I know if I have the baby it will end both of our college careers. College is very important to my boyfriend and he has worked hard to get where he is which makes me feel really bad and kinda selfish for wanting to keep the baby. I believe that he would be in the childs life. but im scared it will ruin our relationship either way. Please help me!

Answer #1

At the end of the day its your decision but the samething happened to me and I’ve handled it, have you considered adoption? What about parents who would help out with looking after a baby? You can always go back to college later its not vital that you study when evryone else is.

Answer #2

Sorry to say but you should have been a tad more safe. It’s going to be bad nomatter what …If you abort, you’ll regret it, if you keep it, bye bye career and life, if you send it out for adoption, you’ll always think about what theyre doing, if theyre okay, what they look like now, etc…but my personal opinion I’d say either abort or adopt, one of the two.

Not saying having a kid is bad, but having a kid when your not ready to have one is bad, and very stressful. Either way, get rid of it, and maybe even the guy for not having a fair say so in it. You ARE the one having the baby, the pain and all that, he was the fool who got you prego in the first place, but then again in all fairness you could have had him wear a condom…So the foolishness is sorta both yours =/ Not trying to be mean, sorry.

either way if you abort, adopt, or keep. Good luck, but let me tell you having a baby when your not ready is super stressful and your career will most likely be shot…So if you planned to be a cop, or a doctor or anyhting like that, might want to start thinking smaller like mcdonalds or wal-mart. Good luck though, I really hope it works out!

Answer #3

give the baby away for adoption

Answer #4

look at it this way, you’re not the only collage student who’s ever gotten pregnant, it is possibly to keep it, I know girls who have small children or babies in collage that have still done very well, it just means you’re gonna have to work a little bit harder, or if you don’t want to keep it, but you don’t want to kill it, adoption is the best way to go. Either way it’s you’re decision and I hope things work out for you.

Answer #5

Your baby your decision. As for ruining both your college careers, hate to break it to you, but in the real world, you’re carrying this baby all by your lonesome self. Which means it does not have to affect him more than he wants.

Answer #6

youre in college. abortion. college + baby = I CANT STUDY WITH A BABY CRYING! but its not like you cant have another baby. a b s t I and e and c e.

Answer #7

Think about the life the child would have. If you think you are ready for mommyhood, and you’d be able to send the kid to college and give her/him a good start in life, have the baby (giving it away would be too hard). If you think that you aren’t ready and that you wouldn’t be able to give your child the oppertunity to go to college, than get an abortion.

Answer #8

honestly this is a big decision and only YOU can make it. Either way theres gonna be some regret. It’s your body your choice.

Answer #9

…you kill this baby…your going to regret it…Give the fetus away for adoption.

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