What should I do about this fake or true pregnancy scare?

It’s been five days since I had sex with my boyfriend. Before having sex, he cleaned up and he made me a sandwhich and then we got very sexual. My boyfriend and I did use a condom and it was my 1st time having sex. We practiced sex by learning more about it to be on the safe side. So it was for about 5-10 minutes because I was very scared, because I am very religious. I noticed my boyfriend checking the condom time to time, after I stopped him, he asured me that he did NOT cum at all. He also said his penis was dry. We took a shower to clean up, and when he was showering he “busted” in the shower, but not near me. I keep thinking I might be pregnant, but my period doesn’t come until another week or so. Am I scared and being a worry wort? HELP!

Answer #1

Agreed with ichi. I think to some extent most responsible people have a slight worry the first time they have sex about whether something happened etc. But you used protection and if the condom didn’t tear, you should worry about it.

Answer #2

I think you’re being paranoid.

Just relax, I can pretty much guarantee that you’re not pregnant…kudos for playing it safe.

Answer #3

The only way you can get pregnant is if he cums inside you as long as that doesn’t happen your fine as for your cramps they could just be because you keep thinking that you might be pregnant maybe your nerves are causing it.

Answer #4

I know I shouldn’t worry but now it’s been a week and I keep getting cramps. Maybe it’s my cramps from my period? I’m really scared

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