Is there a chance of pregnancy if I have regular periods?

My boyfriend and I had sex just about 4 months ago. We used a condom. I’ve had all my periods at regular times since then, although they are a bit harsher now. I wasn’t scared at all until I learned that women can have their periods while being pregnant. This scared me, so, about one month ago, I was really feeling sick. I took a pregnancy test and it turned out negative. Apparently the nausea was from PMS, or so I hope.

I would like to ask you what are the chances that I would be pregnant still. I would be in my 5th month now, would I be showing by now?

The only reason I asked this is even though I do have all the symptons of not being pregnant, I seem to have all the symptons that I am. (nause-especially in month 2, fatigue, etc.) Can you give me an reassurance that I’m just paranoid? Can you give me your opinion please.

Answer #1

ok well im only 13 but i hhave really bad anxeity im sure you know what that is.. and those are symtoms i have when im nervouse.. so just calm downi would take one more pregnancy test just to make sure… but i sure youll be fine.

sincerly, sarah

Answer #2

Its all in your head. Yes its true that you can still have a period when you first conceive, but a its hardly anything at all. Then they stop after that.

You continue having regular periods, so NO you are not pregnant.

Answer #3

check again, take some chill pills, AND STOP HAVING SEX TILL UR OLD ENOUGH AND READY!!!!!!!!

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