What shoud I do now?

I feel like my life is over and now I find no point in living. I am being forced to quite school and I feel like nothing have no meening. If anyone has been like this please tell me what you did to get over it.

Answer #1

you should be inspired. never let that goal be turned around.. no turing back. follow your mind and heart. we can only advice and not help out so much!! lets talk and ask. I answer

Answer #2

What do you mean you are being forced to quite school?

Keep holding on, I know you may say, Keep holding on! I cant! But yes you can I dont know what your situation is but the best thing to do is think things trough.

Not wanting to live is not solving anthing and is doing nothing but hurting you more. Think why are things so bad? Can I make them better? And answer that can you make them better? After working hard and not giving up will it all get better? And if yes then is not worth giving up for.

Think, you can work really hard not give up, and overcome this obstacle that has been put infront of you. Believe and have hope for everything that is going on and know that there is a light to every darkness. I myself though life was not worth living for because of everything that I had going on but then I though and I am right know here happy and working my way trough something good. Nothing will be given to you that you can’t handle. Hold in there and don’t let go! GOOD LUCK!:)

Answer #3

You wait. Nothing lasts forever. If you’re forced to quit school, then you wait till you’re old enough to live on your own. Then you go live on your own and get back into school.

Answer #4

also, try looking 2 the future in a positive light, eventually you will get over this if you give it time and if you try to think positively about your self and your actions. think of this period of your life as a time to learn from, a great way to learn more about your self, and a chance to develop your character as a person more so than the people in the world who dont deal with these sorts of things. ull have more dimension to urself after this is all over if you open urself up to the situation. I know its hard to think that way now, but it will get easier with time if you think positively.

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