What's Wrong with My Gerbil?

What’s wrong with my gerbil? She is acting fine but has this huge, hairless swell sticking out of her neck. I’m afraid it’s cancer. It might also be a tumor. Or it could be something else entirely. Whatever it is, what should I do about it?

Answer #1

I would take her to the vet, you don’t want her to suffer. and animals hide pain very well

Answer #2

Awe.. I used to have a gerbil.. So I kinda know what you’re talking about. My gerbil Lilly grew a huge lump sticking out of the side of her neck, we took her to the animal ER up here in Omaha.. And they said it was just a tumor, and they removed it.

So I’d definately suggest you take the poor thing to an Animal Agency or ER and get that removed, because if it’s cancerous, it’s only minutes before it spreads to the gerbils’ brain and kills it.

**I googled this just now. —>The gerbil anatomy is so little, that if it had a cancerous tumor on one of it’s back feet, the cancer could spread to it’s brain within 10 hours. It all depends on how old your gerbil is, and what type.

Answer #3

You should probably take it to the animal ER.

Answer #4

um… maybe take the animal to the vet, it could die if you don’t take her. What on earth are you still doing even waiting for an answer over here.

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