What's up with MTV?

What the heck is up with MTV? It shows rappers & sexual pop vidoes with songs talking bout drugs, cheating, drinking, s#x & other crap like jack@$$ & other things, then at night it has gospel & Christain related programs at night. WTH? Sin .durring he day & repent at night I take it, aye?

Answer #1

its not just on mtv these things are being showed on music videos that children and teens watch on saturday and sunday morning its in the music that they usually listen to it on the tv, in movies…in adds its everywere

Answer #2

…maybe it was BET I really don’t pay attention though that guy up there says it was lol dunno really don’t care but still the question remains the same why do TV programs do that?

Answer #3

MTV does that? Are you sure you aren’t talking about BET cause I watch mtv all the time and I never see christian shows during the day, but they do that on BET.

Answer #4

Hahahaha that is funni & bet does that 2 but in da morning dey hve da church things..lmao.. Idkkk..=/

Can you answer my most recent question please?..its calld “should I even b trying 2 get over hem” o sumthing like that..please..thnx

Answer #5

I don’t watch much MTV either if anything science, history, discovery, animal, & sometimes adult swim to give me brain a “stupid” break if you know what I mean. I just so happen to be channel surfin bout 2 AM when you have nearly 500 channels or more & still not a d@mn thing is on & such & came acrossed it (ADHD, I don’t need a lot of sleep)

Answer #6

WOW, yea I dont watch it much either…I think what they are trying to do is to put out there you can live however ya want and be right with God, but man are they wrong!!!

Answer #7

haha thats weird. I dont really watch mtv much but yeah if anything they should show that stuff at midnight its the fact that they show all that stuff in the day that there is so much crime, corruption and hate in the world today…escpecially with young people I blame media.

Answer #8

I agree with you. I dont watch mtv either. It is so stupid. The media is destroying our youth. Parents really need to talk to their kids. It may sound corny but kids are constantly being bombarded with unreal messages.

Answer #9

I agree, they dont have any diverse music, and the singers dad not fanish der ejukashun

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