What's the best boxed DIY Hair Dye?

I want to dye my hair a lighter color than it is now. My hair is kind of dark though,and I find it difficult to dye it lighter sometimes. So what do you guys recommend?

I want to do black on the bottom;; Blonde on the top,Like almost white.I want it really blonde. And then Black highlights on the top too.

It sounds dumb,but I saw it in a magazine,It looks neat.


Answer #1

You have to realize that you can’t ‘dye’ hair blond. Dye adds color to existing hair color. You can put a blond color on your hair and make your hair one shade lighter and probably make it have a reddish tint. The only way you can get blond hair with dye, is if your hair is a dark blond already.

To get blond hair, you have to bleach it (Big difference). I think you should go to a stylist to have, what you want, done. As Stephanie1987 says, though, ‘Frost & Glow’ is good or get bleach from Sallys (unless you need to have a license to buy there).

All hair dyes are about the same. The best is Clariol Balsom. It’s $3 a box. If you have long hair, you need 2 boxes though.

Carol (recovering hairdresser)

Answer #2

For bleaching I always use “Frost & Glow” its a really good bleaching product.

Answer #3

LIVE absolute plattinum. I use to pay a fortune for my hair I tried nice and easy the lot. once I tried LIVE I’ve used it for years its the best hairdye going if you want a result of white blonde hair But I wouldnt have black underneath:/ dont look good. hope this helps xx

Answer #4

I tend to use anything by swartzkopf- I’ve used it for years, and it’s always really good quality hair dye, and it leaves your hair really soft afterwards. Plus it doesn’t reek of chemicals.

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