What's the best hair dye from a box?

okay so I have a problem. my mom won’t take me to a salon to get my hair done because the salon I usually go to to get my haircut costs $100 all together to get my hair dyed & highlighted. so I was thinking that maybe I can dye it myself & then get highlights at the salon? but what is the best box dye to use in everyone’s opinions? thanksss.

Answer #1

sometimes it depends on what color youre dying it

Answer #2

For cheaper salon prices try getting ur hair done at the local beauty school. The teacher stands right there to catch mistakes and the only thing u pay for is the products used in ur hair. I get a whole head of highlights for $20 (plus tip). Hope this helps.

Answer #3

I love nice and easy by clairol. Its really gentle. Don’t use garnier, though, it makes the color blotchy. Good luck, your hair will look gorgeous!!!

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