What's going to happen?

Well, me and my boyfriend have been together awhile. I really care about him a lot. But there’s a problem. He’s in college. I’m in high school. And he doesn’t live in the same town as me. He lives about 20 minutes away. He goes to school from 7:30-5, and then goes to work. I have school from 8-3. So, how are we going to get through that? And lately, it’s like all we do is argue, when I’m just trying to get closer. I just tihnk he doesn’t care about me as much as he did when we first started dating or something. And the other day he said he didnt’ want us to have sex anymore untill we were absolutely sure we would stay together in case I got prego or something. But, what if he’s thinking we would should stop so I wouldn’t be as hurt if we broke up? I don’t know. I’ve been really confused lately! Any ideas? Or help or anything would be soo great! Thanks!

Answer #1

Wow you are thinking WAAAYYY too much. He has probably told you the truth without anything hidden. He probably has his doubts about the relationship since you guys have been arguing a lot and would not like it if you were his baby momma. You cannot hold that against him if he has his doubts. Just try to work things out and quit worrying about some hidden agenda or goal he is trying to reach. I mean what kind of guy would say “no” to sex?

Answer #2

the beginning part I can relate, my boyfriend graduated and is moving. We don’t know how its going to work out but where going to try to make it work. I know you may have the urge to just want to see him when you can’t, thats going to be hard. but Think positve, you never know. He’s probably frustrated about it too. Fun mail me if you wana talk

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice