what are differences and comparisons between nomadic- sedentary?

I need to know som ecomparisons and differencew on nomadic people and sedentary..omg I need help please

Answer #1

Hating a subject is no excuse to not put in due diligence. A lot of people hate their jobs, but to date, not one person has asked you to do their job for them.

I used to hate gym class, but I never once called you to take my place in dodge ball.

The reason why I am being critical of your question (which is a big, big leap from ‘insulting’ you, if we’re keeping score) is that you were not asking for help with a problem you didn’t fully understand. You were asking us to do your work for you.

You’re allowed to hate your classes. And you’re allowed to ask for help with them. You’re even allowed to try and cheat by getting the online community to do all your research for you. But if you aren’t willing to at least meet us halfway, I’m also allowed to call you lazy.

Answer #2

thank you for oyur answer non like the guy who wrote above from you..by the way mike I wasnt askign for anyonme to do my work and no im not lazy but I have apretty long essay to do and not enough time.thats why I ask for help..

Answer #3

Are you serious? You need to know the difference between people that move and people that don’t move? I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that you haven’t really given this problem 110%.

Answer #4

I need help onm it I hate history dont like it so unless you are goign to help me dont insult me..

Answer #5

Let’s see. Nomads move and Sedentary people don’t, simple as that. You can expect that the Nomad diet it mostly that of a hunter/ gatherer so things like wild boar, elk, deer, bison, nuts, berries, or tree fruit. Where the Sedentary people will most likely be farmers growing, raising, and in certain case trapping (fish) their food. I’d say a lot of grain, corn, and crop vegetables.

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