what might my dog have if he is vomiting and doesn't want to eat?

he doesn’t eat and he also doesn’t want to play and he dont want anyone to get close to him and now he has started to vomit.

Answer #1

could be many things, everyone is right but you need a vet to tell for sure.

Answer #2

worms is your best guess but try to think posittive

Answer #3


Answer #4

Get him checked out by a vet.

He could have gotten in something poisonous or a strange object stuck in his stomach. (happened to our alsation a while ago and eventually we had a plastic coke bottle removed from his stomach)

Answer #5

tell a vet or someone like a relative or friend the thing you should do is keep good care of her or him and her good food dont leave food out thats old okay good luck

Answer #6

It could be anything…from eating something toxic, to a disease like parvo, to a blockage (very deadly). The only thing to do is get him to a Vet immediately…he could die.

They don’t get this sick from worms unless they are HIGHLY infested, and eating disorders are very rare (and usually that is a dog that compulsively eats things it shouldn’t).



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