What is this called when you grow stuff on you?

When the whether gets too hot or if I happen to touch my face on accident, I START GROWING BUMPS ON MY FACE. It goes away in about an hour or less but it’s so annoying.

Is it just sensitive skin???

Answer #1

it do look like hives. But usually just 1 or 2 appear. And nowhere else but face.

Answer #2

It sounds like hives. It’s an allergic reaction.

Answer #3

I don’t know if it just happens to your face. But if it happens on your arms and legs it is probably scabbies.

Answer #4

An allergic reaction maby?

Answer #5

its really hard to say it could be goose bumps probably or you aggrivated the area of skin a bit

Answer #6

Heat rash?

Answer #7

It could be eczema

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