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What is the church's teaching on same sex marriage?
What is it? What is your opinion? Please tell
For those wishing to leave the homosexual lifestyle realize there are consequences for their actions, but that forgiveness through Christ is possible. http://www.loveinaction.org/
…where does it say that same-sex marriage is wrong?
If you listen to the Gospel according to Captain… and his teaching go against what God says… who is right? God or Captain ??
I am…
And God never said it was wrong, the guy who wrote that particular part of the Bible did. Remember, its the ‘Inspired word of God’ …NOT the ‘WORD OF GOD’ …and homosexuals have been around longer than homophobes.
For anyone that cares enough to research it, there were two whole towns that were destroyed, because of the sin of homosexuality… Sodom & Gomorrah…
If you’d stop cherry-picking, you’d notice that God destroyed those cities for a number of reasons, not JUST homosexuality.
If homosexuality is right…
It’s right for some people… deal with it…
For anyone that cares enough to research it, there were two whole towns that were destroyed, because of the sin of homosexuality… Sodom & Gomorrah… they were reduced to ashes… and the bible is given as our example… of who did what, to who, and what happened to him… her…
It has not changed…
nor has God changed…
He is the same today as he was yesterday…
and will be tommorrow…
He says it is sin… and he calls it an abomination…
this is the strongest terminology used in the whole bible…
God says that we can and must be delivered from sin…
That no one will see God… unless they do…
If you want to believe a lie and be damned…
it is your choice…
but, I happen to like me… and I do not choose to be seperated from God…
because of sin… this one, or any other for that matter…
There will be no sin in the New Jerusalem, that God is creating for those that
love him and obey his word. All sin, will be outside the gate, not allowed to come in.
and the eventual place for sinners is the lake of fire.
this was not created for man, but, if man persists in his sin, he is making his own choice.
God has a word for churches that do not teach the truth too, don’t worry, they will
receive their just punishment, for teaching contrary to what God says in his word.
Before taking any mans advice, if you value your own soul, you should find out first hand, exactly what the bible has to say for your self.
First of all…who says homosexuality is a “choice”?? The majority of gays KNOW something is “off” or different with them, before their hormones even kick in…and spend one hell of lot of their energy trying to NOT be different. The only reason people get all uptight and try to shame them into being “normal” is because the unlying subject is…SEX!! Oh, my!! Genetic scientists have found consistancies in the DNA of gays…which says to me, they’re BORN gay…so what’s the big whup? Should we consider it a birth defect? Well, if that’s the only defect they have, I say let them live normal lives, for god’s sake.
Churches got to come along with science, too…The Catholic Church has given up other unsightly habits…like burning heretics at the stake…excommunicating divorcee’s…the Catholic Church might check out it’s own glass house, and decide to stop throw sinful stones.
What is the church’s teaching on same sex marriage?
99 % of Christian churches Teach that it is a sin. . .
actually… it kind of is a bigger deal though…
God made men to like women… And when you choose to be homosexual… isn’t it like a constant sin?… because your constantly homosexual… not just sometimes… correct me if I’m wrong… I want to understand how this works… I never really have…
I guess it depends on whether you define sin as thought or action or both. Some homosexuals choose not to act on their desires. Does that make them sinners or saints?
First of all…who says homosexuality is a ‘choice’??
Some of the more ignorant and/or overzealous individuals DO believe that its a choice. But… religion has been wrong before…
Read Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:26-27. The Bible says that homosexualtiy is a sin. If you are struggling with this, Jesus alone can deliver you from it. I would be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have, and help in any way possible. In Christ, David
If homosexuality is right…
Why did God create Adam and Eve… instead of Adam and Steve???
And how long would it take before there was no race of man period, because all had turned gay???
And if you think it takes a long time, check out the other sites online, and see just how many young people are being swayed everyday by the lies that they are being told.
If we act on all our urges… where will we be, and what will we be doing???
And if we have no rules… why have a God to begin with???
What do we need him for???
We have Captain…
It depends on which church…flossheal is right, there are a lot of views out there! I am a Christian and I beleive same sex marriage goes against what the Bible teaches. I, however, think that people who decide to be homosexual should not be critisized for their beliefs and the way they live their life. Even though I do not agree with this lifestyle, I would never want to offend anyone…the Bible teaches to love everyone, including those who do not follow the same religion or views as you do. I really hope this helps you!
No… that makes them repressed… and living a lie…
He says it is sin… its a sin but “it’s no bigger sin than you’ve committed.”
If you listen to the Gospel according to Captain… and his teaching go against what God says… who is right? God or Captain ??..
good person hailey.thanks.I would never marry a woman. dats butterz
and my personal opinion… I think it’s… gross.
…it’s no bigger sin than any you’ve committed, comrade.
I know… I know… the question asked what I thought too… and I think… its pretty gross.
I’m pretty sure the church’s teaches are… don’t do it…
and my personal opinion… I think it’s… gross.
catholic church
Christianity has been slowly evolving throughout its existence. With regards to THIS topic, it just needs to evolve some more…
Captain changed my mind… I’m okay with it… I don’t know what God thinks of it.. Because I am Hailey… Not God.
eleni’s question is important. There are quite a lot of views, and different churches have different opinions.
Which church?
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