What is the age drifference laws in pennsylvania

Ok im 14 and pregnant my boyfriend is 17 he is only 3 years older than me I will be 15 in june he will be 18 in july…today I heard if he was more than 4 years older than me then he could get in trouble but I wanna know if he could get into trouble…because there is only a 3 years age difference??

Answer #1

Yes he could because you are under 16. Anyone under 16 can not “legally” consent to a sexual relationship. If you were over 16 but under 18 then there could not be more than a 2 year age difference between you.

He could be charged with statutory rape (with or without your parents consent) and…since there’s proof of you having sex…he would be convicted. He will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life and he will have a hard time finding a job.

Answer #2

I tried to find something and this was the best I could do

http://www.4parents.gov/sexrisky/teen_sex/statelaws_chart/statelaws_chart.html if I am reading it right you are ok

Answer #3

“In Pennsylvania, the age of consent for sexual relations is 16 years old. This applies across the board, to males and females, and to heterosexual as well as homosexual conduct.

Like many other states, Pennsylvania’s age of consent laws make allowances for adolescents who are under the age of consent, but close to the same age. Anyone between the ages of 13 and 16 can consent to have sex with anyone else who is no more than 4 years older.”

Source: http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/pennsylvania-age-of-consent-lawyers.html

Answer #4

Honestly, I don’t think he could but that’s just me… An when did you figure out your pregnant

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