What is something that you regret?

What is something that you regret? I think everything in my life was a learning experience & some things happen for a reason.

Answer #1

Well I Believe Everything Happens For A Reason Also

But Sometimes I Regret Falling In Love


Answer #2

I regret losing my parents trust from time to time.. and doing things that affect still what is my future.. I try to live up to that sayin carjon said..but how can I?

Answer #3

regret nothing lol . . . they teach us a lesson sometimes but you cud become better with those lessons …

Answer #4

I dont regret… dont live your life in regret… it consumes your whole life…

Answer #5

I wouldn’t say regret… And if anything I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t go through it! But I was with my first boyfriend and first kiss for 8 years before I got married and we broke up 3 times (and the rest but you know how it goes) and each time I went back or forgave him and wasted so many years of my life. I feel like I lost a bit of my youth but as you say definitely a learning experience and it definitely made me what I am today… but as everyone else would have to agree somethings to give you some mental anguish which takes time to work through but it always makes you stronger!

Answer #6

getting high so me and shelby broke up but good thing we got back together cause I don’t know what I would do without her

Answer #7

I live by an old saying that me and my friend made up awhile ago when I was like eight… “Live everyday, have no regrets”

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