Do you regret something ?

Do you regret anything so much you would do anything to go back in time an change it???

Just curious!

Answer #1

gosh yeah I do regret a lot of things but I guess we all do them for a reason an we are all suppose to learn from all of our mistakes. no matter how bad they are but yeah I do regret a lot of them

Answer #2

I have, id do anything to go back and change it but I cant…I learnd the hard way from my mistake…even if people say it wasnt that bad. =)

Answer #3

I lost my virginity and the guy left me 3 months later because he said his grandpa told him 2 brake up wit me becouse he was 5 years older than me an he could end up in jail!!

also,I regret lying to my parents and sneaking out at nite an doing so much behind their back

Answer #4

well, I learned a lot from the mistakes I made, but I still wish I could go back in time and change ‘em! and you have to forget this kinda things! live your life, learn from your mistakes, but don’t keep them on your mind everyday and think that “it could’ve been better if…bla bla bla” this will make you mad and sad and nurves all the time!! this is how life goes and you have to accept the qonciquences of the bad and the good things you do!!

Answer #5

I regret not going away for college …because now I could go away…but I have to start all over

Answer #6

Yeah, but did you learn from it? Most likely. So, its a lesson learned.

Answer #7

Nope, I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes.

Answer #8

Yeah, I do but only for one thing. I regret ever putting my drink down at this one party because I thought it was safe… when really it was the stupidest thing I could have ever done

Answer #9

the day my mom pasted away I went in there to get shoes and I wanted to say goodbye before I went to school but she was sleeping so peaceful that I left her alone and I found out that night she pasted away so I regret not saying goodbye.if I could go back and change it then I would

Answer #10

Not yet.

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