What is it about Lily Allen?

Just out of curiosity what has lily allen got about her that all men love? Usually when I ask guys why they like a woman they can usually pinpoint something but with her they just say she’s not fit it’s just something about her. So what is it? =P

Answer #1

I guess personally its her looks and voice. I’m Lilly Alen’s fan,I love her! =)

Answer #2

lol Lily allen herself as a person,her body (skinny yet hourglass),her accent,her attitude,her smartars comments,how she steps into a room glamorus and then when leaves she looks a wreck but still god damn hot and you can see that shes a party girl and she has confidence so you feel you have to act you best around her. How she can drink heaps,how she doesnt care about things god what else maybe her messages in her music which are considered boys humor so yes im pretty sure thats why lily allen is just drop dead down right absolutely beautiful

Answer #3

Something that others have missed, she has a very childlike button nose which most guys find subconsciously attractive.


Answer #4

usually her but or her boobs..usually, most men seem to have a radar for those things

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