What Is An Orgasam

Hi I am 17 years old and I am really having trouble reaching orgasam through intercourse. When my boyfiend and I have sex there are times when I feel a pressure in my pelvic area and it feels really good only when I compare the sensation to when I masterbate they are not the same. When I masterbate I feel a numbing sensation and it feels great but I am really confused. Also through intercourse and I feel the pressure in my pelvic area I also get an urge to urinate but I am able to contol it. So my question is this what do you feel personally when you reach orgasam through intercourse and where does the sensation occure like I said I am really confused and it is really starting to frustrate me. Please help

Answer #1

An orgasm can be defined as a series of involuntary contractions of the genitals due to intense sexual stimulation. The feeling that you’re getting in your pelvis is a nice sensation, but not quite an orgasm. An orgasm is felt directly in your genital area (clitoris, vagina, etc). The numbing sensation that you feel when you masturbate is due to overstimulation of your clitoris (not necessarily an orgasm). There’s no real way to get across what an orgasm feels like unless you’ve had one for yourself; but trust me, you’ll KNOW when you’ve had one. Hope this helps :-)

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