How to feel better about myself?

im a new 13 and I think im so ugly! my face is ugly,im 5’10’,skinny and have no butt!!!what so ever.just bout every adult tells me im beautiful,and my english teacher even calls me americas next top model.but who cares if they think im pretty ,I aint tryna impress them.even little kids tell im pretty. but since I started school up untill the 6 grade I’ve been called ugly on a daily basis,that really took a nice chunk out of my self esteem. that pain still lives inside of me and wont go away!every time I walk through the halls I hang my head down because im ugly.and im on the lighter skin side recently(all of a sudden) but at my school the time theblackgirls get to be “pretty” is if they are superlight skin.I dont know who to believe pretty or NOT!!

Answer #1

the people who call you ugly are just extremely jealous because they wish they could have your supermodel looks. who cares what they think, you know? you shouldn’t be trying to impress those losers either. the only person you should impress is yourself. don’t let their pathetic comments bring you down, because you know one day you’ll be a model, while they will have to work in burger king.

Answer #2

well as cliche as this sounds its all about confidence. when I was your age I was the same way I was about 5’7” and nothing but arms and legs…no curves anywhere. You have to learn to work with it, everyone goes through wierd periods in their life. You are only 13 your body has YEARS of evolving! Tell yourself you are beautiful, honestly the kids that tell you that you are ugly are fighting problems within themselves. Don’t sweat it sweetie!

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