What happens if a muslim is gay?

I was just wondering - With strict muslims, the family has to choose a husband for the daughter to marry right?

And male muslims have more rights than female muslims. So what happens if a male muslim turns gay?

I’m just wondering :)

Answer #1

mouci, you are either clueless about history - or trying to ignore the facts.

At least one entire COUNTRY is muslim, today, because one part converted then proceeded to slaughter those who didn’t convert.

What’s funny is that at the time of conversion, none of those who massacred their friends and neighbors knew arabic…it was an excuse for a power grab, nothing more.

And, Allah doesn’t condone slaughter.

IF the people had followed God’s will, this country today would be a pluralist society with at least 2+ belief systems…instead, as a result of the people who converted going AGAINST the will of their new God, they created a bigoted, close minded society.

That’s not what Allah had in mind. There isn’t anywhere in the Q’uran you can cite that says that Allah specifically said to slaughter your friends and neighbors if they don’t convert at the same time as you do to the faith.

Buy a clue, get your head out of your a$$…seriously.

And to the asker, I just saw photos of an adulterer being stoned to death after they were buried alive by muslim extremists in Africa from about a week or two ago…again, this isn’t what should happen, but the simple fact is, along with greater economic disparity, you have a synonymous move towards fundamentalist belief systems (see the growing economic gap and the resurgence of traditional “Christian” values in the United States).

I’d try to live in a more socialist, balanced society, with more even wealth distribution, in those, you find the greatest tolerance, irregardless of religious viewpoint.

Answer #2

Islam prohibits homosexuality:

  • It is one of the major sins.
  • It’s against the fitrah (the natural inclination which Allah has placed in man: the male in inclined towards female and vice versa).

The prophet Mohamed said:”There is nothing I fear for my Ummah (nation) more than the deed of the people of Lot.” (At-Tirmidhee 1457) God said: “And (remember) Lot when he said to his people, ‘Do you commit al-Fahishah (evil, great sin, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, sodomy) while you see (one another doing evil without any screen) Do you practice your lusts on men instead of women? Nay, but you are a people who behave senselessly.’ There was no other answer given by his people except that they said: ‘Drive out the family of Lot from your city. Verily, these are men who want to be clean and pure!’ So We saved him and his family, except his wife. We destined her to be of those who remained behind. And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). So evil was the rain of those who were warned.” Quran (27, 54-58]

Ibn al-Qayyim, one of the scholars of Islam, said: “Both of them - fornication and homosexuality - involve immorality that goes against the wisdom of Allah’s creation and commandment.

Answer #3

It just goes to show that any strict adherance to religious dogma, regardless of the denomination, means you must become a narrow-minded bigot.

Answer #4

Usually they get disowned and aren’t allowed contact with their family, or like most of the ones I’ve met they hide their sexuality and get married anyway and cheat on their wives

Answer #5

It just goes to show that any strict adherance to religious dogma, regardless of the denomination, means you must become a narrow-minded bigot.

You are not forced to embrace Islam and then to submit to the Islamic law. God said:”And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Mohamed) then compel mankind, until they become believers” Quran(10, 99) God also said: ”There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Tâghût (anything worshipped other than the real God (Allah)) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower” Quran(2, 256)

Answer #6

Even I can see thats a lie mouici Religion is put on lots of people forcefully from birth by their own families and Islam is the worst for this It is the only religion still in the world with branches operating their own brutal law system (sharia) No other religion does this or even leads to hudreds of honour killings world wide

And you proved jimahl right when you launched a religious rant rather than discussing what he said, his comment was true and you are in denial

Answer #7

Male Muslims don’t have more rights than female Muslims, and not all parents chose who their children will marry (that’s cultural not religious!!!). Being gay in Islam is haram (forbidden) it is a sin against God, in the Quran there is a story about the prophet Lot and the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah, all the gays there were killed. Because God created people to have a natural inclination for the OPPOSITE sex. In some countries people will be put to death for this kind on sin against Allah. As Ibn Abbass quoted the Prophet (pbuh) in Hadeeth that “whoever you find doing the deed of the people of Lot, kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done”.

Answer #8

First of all, you’re talking about a cultural thing. Where exactly is this particular muslim? Arranged marriage is again a cultural thing, not a religious thing. As for homosexuality. Well you dont turn gay. You either are or you’re not. Now, if you are, well then it depends on what that particular male chooses to do and where he lives. In some Muslim countries (Saudi Arabia for example), the maximum punishment is death. So, in places such as those, well it would be unadvisable for anyone to come out as gay. If they happen to live in the Western world, well it is up to them really. They may be ostracized by their family depending on how conservative the family is. There’s too many if…then scenarios. It depends on a 1000 factors…

Answer #9

they kill him I guess

Answer #10

Muslims turned gay cant marry any other gay person.

  Otherwsie they're treated like everyone else.
Answer #11

Islam treats them the same but they can’t marry another gay or have sexual intercourse with them.

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