What does this comment mean?

On one of my pictures (I will put the picture that I am talking about on this question) basically on one of my pictures someone wrote ‘you are good looking.that round big eyes …very expressive’ <– I dont understand it, is it good ? Is it bad? I basically dont no lol

Sorry im just wondering

Thanks x

Answer #1

well he likes the way you look he likes your round big eyes but expressive isnt really the best word to describe eyes especially as he doesnt know you expressive is more of a word you would use for someones sense of style, opinion or personality

Answer #2

yes “expressive “ is the perfect term to use when talking about someones eyes.

I looked at the photo- I see what they were referring to.

the “eyes are the windows to the soul”- it is true.

you can tell a lot ablut someone via their eyes. depression- dead “fish” eyes. happy- bright shiny eyes tired- blood shot eyes ill- yellowed eyes. I would take it as a compliment. eyes are very expressive indeed.

Answer #3

ohh lol I didnt understand the end of what the person said x

Answer #4

its good it means your yey is prittey

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