What does my horoscope mean?

What does my horoscope mean? This is it: It’s okay to start out the day slowly. Be very careful about what you say to people, and be forgiving if a friend or classmate is late for a meeting. They’re not doing it to upset you – stuff just happens sometimes. Later in the day, the moon’s move to Virgo will get things in working order again. Invite some friends over after school to rehash weekend events. Can you explain what it means?

Answer #1

Watch your mouth girl! lol, and forgive a friend if they make a mistake.

Answer #2

it means watch your mouth today! dont say thing you will regret to anyone. try not to get mad today.

Answer #3

Yup, watch what you say…don’t take things too personal because people aren’t trying to make you mad on purpose. Just let it go. Things well get better later in the day and that will be a better time to hang out with your friends.

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