What; does he like me or does he just like to flirt?

He is a friend of my brother’s. When I first met him I let him have something of mine. I decided I wanted it back so I contacted him, via internet. I asked for it back and he said I could have it back. I was at my brother’s house and I asked him over the internet to come give it back to me, so he walked over right away even though he lived a bit far.

Here are some things he’s done. -this was the 2nd time I was around him.-

*he immediately layed on the couch and hogged it.

*he layed his head on my lap.

*kept asking me to hold his hand.

*tried swinging with me on the same swing.

*made fun of me about every little thing he could.

Do you think he really likes me, or he just likes to flirt?

Answer #1

maybe try hanging out with him a bit more? ask him to amovie? but than again, my bestie is head over heels for this guy that just likes to flirt she texts me at all hours fwd-ing texts he sent her that if I knew better mean he likes her, but the next day hes asking some new girl out… I used to be a hopeless flirt. I loved the attension, the what-if’s but couldnt really be bothered taking it further since my parents love lives fail time and time again. see exactly what he wants. hang out. see if what he wants is a friend or a flirting buddy or something else. if all else fails ask if he wants to be your boyfriend? it sounds like you really hit it off!

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