What does cocoa seed extract do?

What does cocoa seed extract do?

Answer #1

Cocoa seed extract has been long associated with things such as elevation of mood, appetite suppression, weight loss and so on.

In more recent years, some independent laboratories (such as Mars) have been looking into it a little more seriously and considering what they call “flavonols”…which are a product of the extract.

The people doing the research want to know if there are other health benefits. Of most concern on their adjenda are the benefits that these “flavonols” may have on treating (or maybe even curing) heart disease, strokes and diabetes…things like that.

The flavonols in cocoa seed extract are believed to contain antioxidant properties which can actually fight free radicals in our bodies which are responsible for many various illnesses. Antioxidents are big sellers these days when associated with vitamin pills, etc.

So, although the studies have been going on for years now, I still have not heard if any of them were conclusive at this late date. Perhaps another reader on this site can add to this for you.

Hope this helps some. Good Luck!

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