What: Do you think that there is a communal or personal hell?

To explain this more: So I was having this discussion with one of my mates (by the way this question is for those of you who actually believe in hell, if you answer saying: “I don’t think there is a hell.” than I think I have every right to call you an idiot) Anyhow…The question is: Do you think that everyone suffers the same fate in hell, where everyone is together? Or do you think that there is a personal hell, where you encounter your personal worst nightmare and you are all alone?

Answer #1

to utterlyrandom: Possibly like I said I would imagine it to be your worst nightmares for eternity, I imagine whatever you imagined to be terrible that would be your hell. Of course the theories on hell’s existence are vast and varying, you can look into more ancient religions and see some terrible concepts on what hell is, Some view it as a physical hell some mental. Really it’s varies a lot between religions and even in religions like Christianity there are numerous theories of what hell is. I would say they were all wrong, you can look at pictures of starving children and see hell. Talk to schizophrenic mental patients who live in hell everyday. Hell to me is more or less a representation of anything that causes horrible pain, fear, or sadness. I think really the whole afterlife concept heaven/hell even purgatory are just metaphor’s for stages of physical/emotional human existence.

Answer #2

in my opinion a lake of burning fire makes no sense when your soul, which is spiritual and NOT physical, will be somehow hurt by something physical? make sense?

what makes sense, is hell, bieng a complete torture and pain because of this reason: it is a total and complete seperation from LIFE itself, it is death.

think of it this way.

God is life, for him and by him and through him, is life.

life created through him, He is the reason things are alive, He is the in essence, the LIFE FORCE of this universe correct?

is that not what complete hell would be? being right now, you, life, completely seperated from the very essence of the reason you exist? to never be with your creator, to be shunned away from all existence, is that not hell?

I guess if you can make sense of this, then think about the lake of burning fire, or that image. it hurts, it hurts a lot :P

very painful, it could be just an image to make you understand what hell is, a very painful, LONELY, pointelss existence, followed by emotions unimaginable, and a spiritual heart forever breaking in pain in your OWN little non existing world.

is hell personal? will there be anyone there? I dont have a clue, either way, its never going to come to your mind probabbly, since you will be dwelling in a pain that probably itself doesnt exist anymore.

I get mixed up and confused. because if you are seperated from life itself, from the foundation of existence, will you stop existing?

and if so, does that conclude there being no hell?

Answer #3

to geee: dont worry I don’t believe in hell either I just have random thoughts like that. Also some people thrive on seclusion/insanity/illogical thinking so do you think that for those who do, they would suffer with the opposite?

Answer #4

According to all Christians I know. Hell is a place of seclusion, a place of all of your worst nightmares, for eternity, with no one to comfort you. Basically complete insanity for eternity. I personally believe Hell is a fictional place. Of course I’m not religious at all so that may conflict with your belief.

Answer #5

thanks :)

I like questions like these

Answer #6

now that is what I call a cool answer :D it’s exactly how I think :D

Answer #7

Personally, I don’t believe there is a Hell. However, I do believe there is a Heaven, and I believe it’s personal.

Answer #8

Also another thing to consider: If hell is personal then do all the people who go to hell and have an extreme phobia of being around people spend hell with other people and therefore it is communal?

Answer #9

That is actually quite a good question=]I have never really thought about it before, but I have always thought it is personal, cause I dont think it would be as scary if you were with everyone else lol x

Answer #10

In my opinion I do not think that everyone suffers the same fate because first of all we all the Bible seem to indicate that there are various levels.

Mat 10:15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

Then also we suffer for our sins. Since our sins are of different levels as far as seriousness is concerned our sufferings must also vary.

I also feel that one would not be alone there but in the company of a lot of people. But it is most likely that everyone would be lonely as everyone else will be busy dealing with their own sufferings.

Answer #11

Well its an interesting question. I would assume a view of a personal hell. From what I derive of it what hell is suppose to be the worst you can imagine and that differs from person to person. However if you believe in the bible version (or rather the version that is commonly derived from it) then all are forever in a burning lake of fire. Although the bible doesn’t link hell the lake of fire. I think hell in the bible is more of a reference to a grave. I will ignore you rather rude and uncalled for comment about calling those like me an idiot.

Answer #12

sorry if you took offence to that but it was aimed at people who don’t read these questions (or answers) and then say that they don’t believe in hell and therefore dont answer the question.

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