
Ok well me and my friends were having this conv on the bus. This one boy (andrew) said he wanted to live to be 100. Then this other boy named grey said well if you want to be 100 but you know you want make it you might ad well just kill yourself. I said”y would you do that” “you would go to hell for doing that. “hes like no you wont if your a good person and your just doing it because you want to save yourself pity” I said”that doesnt matter you still would go to hell” he like “yeah but in case youve forgotten god forgives!” I say”you cant be forgiven if your dead” and then I asked andrew and he said you would go 2 hell but if you are saved ythen you would still go to heaven.I was like”well that not what we(catholics) belevive. Because the commandments say thou shall not kill,that means yourself too. You cant know something is wrong and do it anyway. Especially suicide! well anyway I want to see what you guys think…what do you think

Answer #1

I think we’ve fallen off the point of the question here people…can we get it back on track please?

Answer #2

Witchcraft - is not evil. You obviously know nothing about it.

Also, who has condoned Devil Worshiping - I’ve never seen a person on this site say they worship the devil in any way.

Good job - leave the post because you realize you were wrong and you can’t argue with it. Peace.

Answer #3

Ask yourself this: Do you really want to believe in a god who creates human beings capable of suffering suicidal depression, then responds by subjecting them to unendurable pain and anguish for all eternity if they commit suicide?

Answer #4

Suicide is never directly mentioned in the Bible as being a sin, although some Biblical characters contemplate suicide.

Anyway, the concepts of heaven and hell are irrelevant to the issue, because they don’t actually exist outside human imagination. And the issue of suicide is unrelated to sin, because sin is also a concept invented by humans.

Answer #5

If you believe in God and the bible - then yes you would go to hell for suicide.

Although saying that - I don’t believe in anyone and I find it humorous that a “God” that created humans with such a complex brain capable of becoming depressed would condem them for taking action on something that he created.

Answer #6

I’m not catholic, and I don’t believe in God, but from my understanding (as I grew up catholic) is that suicide is a sin…we were not given the authority to take a life - not even our own.

Answer #7

How come when we talk about God on this site everyone seems to forget there is Lucifier who causes pain and temptaition. He was a fallen angle to God. With every good there is evil. God does not make sucidal thoughts and depression.

First I would hope that your friends are not taking suicide into considereation. I know it was just a converstation, but you will not get a concrete answer on this one, It all depends on your beliefs. I do think it is wrong to take your own life and I have had several in my life, I do pray to god that he forgave My 18 year old bother in law when he tooks his life. All you can hold on to is your faith and your beliefs and religion. Sorry honey but you are going to get a wrath of different answers, Just stay true to what you believe and feel.

Answer #8

He was a fallen angle to God.

But in the OT, he did God’s dirty work.

Anyway, as arachnid said, there is no evidence to suggest a being called Lucifer is influencing the minds of people contemplating suicide. And there is another issue you must consider: if Lucifer is real, and has the power to influence a person toward suicide without him or her even realizing it, is that person really making a “free will” choice? How could God hold us accountable for our actions if Lucifer has the power to influence them?

Answer #9

me and one of my friends had this argument. I think it’s possible to go to heaven if you kill yourself. because everyone sins. if you have accepted God, one of the first things you had to realize is you’re a sinner. everyone is. but, God can forgive you for your sins and accept you into heaven even though you’re a sinner, right? so, my opinion is yes, you can go to heaven even if you kill yourself. you’ve just gotta be in the right place with God…

Answer #10

“How come when we talk about God on this site everyone seems to forget there is Lucifier who causes pain and temptaition. He was a fallen angle to God. With every good there is evil. God does not make sucidal thoughts and depression.”

Then either your god is not all-powerful, or he permits Lucifer to do this, and is thus complicit in it.

And are you seriously suggesting that The Debil is personally interfering with the brains of everyone that feels depressed at any point? Do you have any evidence to back this up?

Answer #11

“How come when we talk about God on this site everyone seems to forget there is Lucifier who causes pain and temptaition. He was a fallen angle to God. With every good there is evil. God does not make sucidal thoughts and depression.”

That doesn’t even make sense. God gave us a brain, capable of many things, depression being included.

Also, if he is all powerful then how is Lucifer causing pain and such. Wouldn’t he put an end to him? Wouldn’t he help out his man that he supposedly created?

Depression is a DISEASE it’s not something that you choose, so I dont know how you could classify that under temptations and such.

Answer #12

Amazing how I read on this site people standing up and believing in witch craft, vampires, and devil worship, But you do not relieze that Evil can be far more stonger then Good. It is easier for people to fall for temptation then to stay above it. I am going to leave it at that. I read all of your post and some of you twist my words and it ends up in a childish battle. So I answered the persons question with my thoughts and feelings, and ifsome of you post a question I may answser yours, until then. I would like to stick the the question on hand.

Answer #13

I agree with king and arachnid. Heaven and hell are only in imagination.

To harlyrider. King and arachnid are right here too. Look at Job. Your God allows this to happen to his “children”. If lucifer existed too he would only be a pawn, well maybe a rook, in Gods game. If your God is so loving and loves us like children, like I love my daughter, he would destroy evil. Why would there be pain ans suffering? The free will answer is BS. If its free will that is to blame than that means God as abandoned us and we are left to our own devices. None of it makes sense.

God doesn’t exist.

Answer #14

It’s a discussion of answers, thoughts and ideas. And I fail to see how any of the above posts strayed off track or twisted words in order to start a childish argument. It seems to me you can answer a person’s question, and discuss the answers provided by others.

Answer #15

I don’t understand that at all - you are saying as long as in one time in your life you accepted Salvation - it doesn’t matter what you do after that.

So God would accept, Seriel Killers, Child Rapist, Rapist, and Sociopaths all because they accepted his Salvation before they did anything bad?


Answer #16

I believe that if during your lifetime you accepted the free gift of Salvation, you are Heaven-bound regardless of what happens after that in your life - you have been bought with a price…Take care !!

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