What do you think is the best college

Whats it like?

Answer #1

To be honest there’s so many different choices to from its all in what you looking for a school. If you are choosing a the educationation background, location, party element, rankings, graduation ratios.

For me mine was between Washington University of St. Louis. My sister went there and gave me my first taste of my of college, looked something in a magazine. Had a blast over my spring break that year. I ended up choosing to go to DePaul University, new dorms, highly rank in the career path I was going into, locate right in the city so there was always some good going on…and close to home. Graduated…almost done with my masters in computer graphic and animation design.

College is what all about what you make it you can party have fun just make your work gets done or you will get put out…my friend did. Good luck

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