What do you think about Jamie Lynn Spears being pregnant at 16?

I haven’t seen this question on here yet so I’ll go ahead and ask.

Britney’s little sister is pregnant at 16. She is 12 weeks pregnant. It has been reported online and again this morning on the TODAY show. Apparently she issued a statement about it yesterday. What do you think about this? I personally think if she is going to work for Nickelodeon on “Zoey 101”, she should be more of a role model for younger kids. I am sure others will disagree with me.

What do you think?

Answer #1

so what if shes pregnant at 16. many young teens are, they’re not sluts, being a slut is getting with a lot of guys. It made her go down in her career, but thats her problem to deal with and see if she makes a good mother or not.
I also think its stupid how a lot of moms are not allowing there daughters to watch the show, Zoey 101 is just a made up show, it has nothing to do with her actual life.

Answer #2

It’s sad because this is what is going to make her even more famous. She’s 16 for goodness sakes, she shouldn’t be getting all this attention for what she did. She shouldn’t be getting a million dollars for the photo shoot when the baby is born. She has a responsibility to her younger viewers to be a role model. If she didn’t want to be a role model she shouldn’t have put herself in the spotlight.

Most people in her position would be struggliing, not getting a million dollars. Funny how it was reported that her and her mom were almost at bankruptcy then this happened. They spend more than they have, and every since Brit cut them off financially due to some family problems funds have been dwindling. Yes, I have done some research on this, because it affects my daughter. She’s 10, loved the show, and is now questioning things.

And lastly, most 19 year old guys would be in trouble for impregnating a 15 year old. Yes, she was 15 when she got pregnant, she just turned 16. And if you watch the news, they are reporting that she is further along than the 12 weeks she admitted to.

Boy am I glad I’m not in that family.

Blast away all you want at me, I can take it. Like I said, I don’t sugar coat anything for anyone.

Answer #3

I thing that shes HOT!!! I knew she had some freak in her!!! just like sister at bher age

Answer #4

I am happy for you your the beeest you can let the baby see your miss spears crown but you are only 16 I cant beileve it if your happy im happy.

Answer #5

She’s just a kid. I’ve never understood why getting knocked up when you’re 30 is somehow classier than if you are 16. Besides it’s not like the baby would not be taken care of. I think if Lindsay “coke-head” Lohan can do Disney movies, this girl can stay on her own show.

Answer #6

shes a 16 year old girl she makes mistakes like any other 16 year old girl just because shes famous doesnt make her perfect chances are the pregnancy was an accident and everyones allowed to have accidents rich or poor.

Answer #7

people make mistakes but l guess she wanted some one to give her more and hey she got one stubon 7 inch d!ck just hope she will keep her baby properly istead of like some ones thrid cousin britney SPEARS!!! she a slut

Answer #8

i think she is to young she is only 16 she is not even an adult i mean get a grip jamie get it through your head you are to young.Jamie you were my romodel till now can not look up to somebody that is pregnant at 16. that is just weird. Good luck with the baby jamie.

Answer #9

She is only human

See what I mean?

and as long as she takes care of it and dont have an abortion then how does it affect her on the show?

The show will be cancelled. Pregnant teens are forbidden on Nickelodeon.

Answer #10

Well, on the news it was reported that OK! magazine will get the exclusive interview and photos when the baby is born. (Her interview where she says she is pregnant in OK! magazine comes out on Friday). OK! magazine will give her 1,000,000 dollars for the interview and photos. Thats ONE MILLION folks…you do the math.

Answer #11

I think that she is trying to be moe of a Slut than her sister. She WAS an angel for example she would never miss a curfew and was usually in earlier than he curfew, and I sooo thought that she wouldn’t have s*x till se was married, but I guess thought and looks can be deceving.

Answer #12

There was a question about it already: http://www.funadvice.com/q/have_you_heard_about_jamie_lynn_spears

Personally… I don’t understand why you’d throw a promising career down the drain at 16… but maybe she really wants a kid and maybe she’s ready to be a parent, we can’t judge her. We don’t know her life experiences or what it’s like to be her.

Answer #13

think about it…people look down their noses at teenage mums because apparently they ALL claim benefits, live in council houses, cannot afford to give their child a good life, and will never have a life for themselves. Jamie-lynn and her family are loaded. She can afford to buy her baby whatever it needs and will never be claiming off the government. Its not like she has to ‘work’ either, just being in the press earns her money so she doesn’t have to worry about continuing her education. Her family are very supportive of her so if she ever needs someone to look after her child then no problem! she could even hire a nanny if she has to! There is nothing wrong with her getting pregnant at that age so all you haters just leave her alone!

Answer #14

I think it’s reality… a lot of teenagers at that age are having sex and she happened to get pregnant but I’m happy she’s keeping it because that takes a lot

Answer #15

I just think she’s just a regualr teen that was jus having sex that doesnt mean she’s a slut and that doesnt mean she’s going to wind up like brittany. she’s her own person and if she has a kid of well its her life stay outta it

Answer #16

shes a hoooe

Answer #17

I think that it was her choice so every one should leave her alone and look at her sister

Answer #18

Everyone who being negative is ignorant. SHes a slut, shes throwing away her career, blah blah blah. Oh so your radther have an abortion and act as if nothing ever happened and then if you all found that out you would be saying the same thing you are now. Shes only human yet you act as if shes not allowed to make mistakes. If I was her I would keep my head up because she made the right decision and thats all that matters. Shes been with him for 2 1/2 years so this wasnt random not only that but theres kids younger than her having sex and babies out here. Instead of judging her for her mistakes you need to commend her for actually tking responsibility for her actions. Im not saying her being so young having a abay is right but. But her takin responsibility for her actions is what she did right. people are quick to judge one another but when its them in the hot seat things are different and you feel like its wrong when someone judges you get a life and who cares. Shes young and we all make mistakes as Jesus said “He who is without sin throw the first stone” no one on here could ever throw a stone cause everyone lies and sins everyday.

Answer #19

4 tehe sikashimmer or whatever I don’t know 4 sure but of course shes sleeping around she is a slut

Answer #20

well I think its her choice anyway but it is totally stupid or her.

Answer #21

How is her being pregnant make her a slut? Wow… shallow much? I think so…

Answer #22

yerrhh mom jamie is my insperationnn idc ifs she pregnant pregnant peeps RULEEE =PPP

Answer #23

I agree captainassassin. It’s like celebrities are better than us, and can make no mistakes.

Answer #24

what I cant beleav was that it took her 16 years with the roal models she had what a foolish slut

Answer #25

nahahahaha captainassasin, new bestfriend!!

Answer #26

I kinda saw it coming.. but I do agree that she should be a rolemole if she’s doing Zoey 101. & well.. whatever happens, happens.

Answer #27

I think that she’s a slut, just like her sisters..she’s following her sisters footsteps..

Answer #28

I kinda feel half and half about it… like I am mad at her but yet sad for her! I didn’t even think she would have s*x before marriage! But I guess things we dont always expect can happen. I still cant believe it. But yet I expected it??? I am confused about the whole situation.

Answer #29

i think she is to young she is only 16 she is not even an adult i mean get a grip jamie get it through your head you are to young.Jamie you were my romodel till now can not look up to somebody that is pregnant at 16. that is just weird. Good luck with the baby jamie.

Answer #30

i think she is to young she is only 16 she is not even an adult i mean get a grip jamie get it through your head you are to young.Jamie you were my romodel till now can not look up to somebody that is pregnant at 16. that is just weird. Good luck with the baby jamie.

Answer #31

i think she is to young she is only 16 she is not even an adult i mean get a grip jamie get it through your head you are to young.Jamie you were my romodel till now can not look up to somebody that is pregnant at 16. that is just weird. Good luck with the baby jamie.

Answer #32

Shes young and we all make mistakes as Jesus said ‘He who is without sin throw the first stone’

picks up a rock

Its quite sad how fans will put celebrities on a pedestal; but when they make stupid mistakes, defend them because they’re ‘only human’

Answer #33

if your a celebrity…and you have morals…your GOING to get brainwashed into doing things you wouldnt normally do…becos you want more attention especially when your in the type of celebrity ranking that Jamie Lynn is in.

strange world!

Answer #34

she would never miss a curfew and was usually in earlier than he curfew

Well… yeah… she needs to get up to her room real quick to unlock the window…


Answer #35

I don’t know but its really sad. she is only 16 years old and even though she can take care of the baby she is still to young to be having babies like that. she is not a good role model for young girls who are looking up to her.

Answer #36

man, that girl has SERIOUS problems! I can’t believe it, that shes followin in her sister’s footsteps; she had sooo much potential as a young actress… tsk tsk shakes head

Answer #37

I really don’t agree with it, myself. It may not be true, but it gives the impression that the whole family are a bunch of sluts. But still, as she is taking responsibility for it, it makes it better. Britz.

Answer #38

We all have our reasons for things we say and do. I’ve never been much of a fan of Jamie or her big sister, and I don’t really care what they do, but I think this is a real case of it being a person’s choice with what they do with their body.

I personally don’t look at abortion as an entirely selfish act- I know if I got pregnant now, I would probably terminate on the basis that I can’t give a child the stability they need. I could never carry it to term and adopt it out because I would feel a bond, and it’s so hard to let go of someone you have a bond with. I think it’s a pity Jamie’s missing out on a huge chunk of being a kid (trading it in for parenthood), but that’s her decision.

Remember not everyone is going to feel the same way on certain topics- I don’t see her as a “slut” personally, I see her as another kid wanting/having to grow up too fast.

Answer #39

I think that she is doing the right thing… she made a mistake that many people her age make and she is in a position where it will really damage her career, but instead of being selfish and “taking care of it”, which wouldn’t have been hard for her to do, she is going to face the consequences and the media and have the baby! Good for her!

Answer #40

NAHAHAHAAHAHAHA oh my lord. that family, I tell you.

Answer #41

I agree with heathershaw, there are many many other regular people, even on this site, who say that they are pregnant at 13, 14, 15. just because she’s in the limelight doesn’t mean she can’t make mistakes. at least she’s taking responsibility for herself, and according to her, her 19 year old boyfriend is 100% supportive. :]

Answer #42

Being a role model… Our president cheated…pee wee hurman..need I say more??? Blues clues the guy who use to be on there…She is not having an abortion..many girls her age gets pregnet! All those girls needs role models too! Babys are a gift from god..”He knew you before you were born” She is only human and as long as she takes care of it and dont have an abortion then how does it affect her on the show?

Answer #43

hahahaha she saw how horribly britney failed and she was like “hey cool this makes me 10 xs more awesome because I didnt shave my head! or look fat on tv! or get ugly extensions! or wear scarves and hats everyday of my life since then! or make a somewhat okay cd! my life rules!”

basically Britney handed over Jamie Lynn her reputation in a golden gift wrapped box. nahahahah. oh jeez.

Answer #44



Answer #45

I think accidents happen and she should have ben smarter about it all and she should be a better role model

Answer #46

true that sikashimmer. ballin!

Answer #47

How is getting pregnant being a slut?

She’s pregnant. That doesn’t mean she’s sleeping around.

Answer #48

I’m a fan of Jamie Britney kinda Britney is her big sis thats probbley where shes getting it from don’t hate on Jamie she mustve really liked that guyt but I don’t know what she was thinking thats kinda crazy but shes a great actress

Answer #49

She’s going to be exactly like Britney. Celebrities have a lot of attention. And sometimes they abuse that fact and begin doing ‘bad’ stuff.

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