What do you believe is wrong with america?

I am writting a book on what I believe the prooblems with America are. SO I am asking you the same question to see what kind of input I can get. Say whatever you want!!!

Answer #1

Im not American, Im Singaporean, heres my opinion.

  • Commercialism
  • Racism
  • Ideological wars (eg between Republicans and Democrats)
  • Income disparity (15% of Americans earn below 50% of the median US income, with more falling below this line sometime in their life, while rich Wall Street * continue to make big bucks)
  • Lobbyists
Answer #2

yes, as amblessed said,”every country has it’s strengths and weaknesses.” But I do believe America is one of the worst places to live. there are some worse places but America has more crime than any other country in the world. We kill ten times more people than most all countries. it sickens me!! it’s dangerous to live here and that’s why I’m not going to be here any longer than I have to. I don’t want to here how these mothers are killing their babies. I don’t want to here that a five year old was raped. it’s just too sad. :( We are a little too free of a county and need a few more stricter laws. people feel they can do whatever the hell they want and I don’t want to be considered a part of it. Good Bye America!! Fix yourself!!

Answer #3

Like EVERY country it has strengths and weaknesses - the popular thing to do today is Blame it, Bash it, put it down any way one can - doesn’t change the FACT: it’s the greatest country mankind has ever known - it aided countries around the world, humanitarian, military sacrificed American lives, etc and many times recieved a knife in the back in return - very much is GREAT about America !!

Answer #4

it’s kinda funny but I was sitting on a plane next to a German girl on my way home the other day and we got to talking she asked me why do americans ask how your doing if they don’t want to know…

I didn’t understand what she meant… but then she explained that in Germany if you ask how are u… that’s a whole conversation… they stand there and explain to you exactly how you are… here it’s just something in passing… your always good even if your bad… cause no one wants to know why your bad and you really don’t want to tell them any way…

Answer #5

The belief that America is the undisputed centre of the universe. (arrogance) The education system is poor . (ignorance) The desire to change the rest of the world to be just like them. (more arrogance) The belief that the rest of the world wants to be just like them. (more ignorance)

Answer #6

political correctness , in my opinion , has ruined this country…the financial disaster recently was due to government, mostly dems, forcing banks to lend money to people that could never pay it back, just so they could “feel good” about themselves while driving the country down the drain…liberal judges going against the constitution and making blatently unfair rulings,trying to rehabilitate instead of punishing criminals for their crimes, all to be “politically” correct…that is probably why, years from now, President Bush will finally be seen as the great president he was… making the CORRECT decisions, without fear of political retribution…I, personally, as George Bush did, would rather make the RIGHT decision, than the politically correct one…people are what they are, and to use terminology that coddles rather than depicts is getting way out of hand…lets just say we see what we believe, instead of believing what we see…THATS the biggest problem..you think its bad now, wait a couple of years into this new administration..hang on…

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