What do you think about your school???

Is it fun, boring, cool,ect

Answer #1

I really can’t stand being there, I mean I love school just not mine.

Answer #2

Its not perfect but it gets the job done :)

Answer #3

Military academy No girls, live at school, 400 other guys. No free will to have any luxury most other people enjoy

love it.

Answer #4

it suxx. but whatever I dont care bout school so screw it!

Answer #5

My school sucks lol

Answer #6

I love my school! its awesome! and in elementary school, I went on a field trip to Disney World in 5th grade :)

Answer #7

it’s really stupid! and the fact that I got detention every day after school for a week because I hugged my boyfriend is really really messed up!!!

Answer #8

I don’t really like my school. But hey, what can I do about it? lol. It’s okay, and I really love it sometimes, but it’s just so dumb other days and I hate it. So I suppose it depends on the day.

Answer #9

Eh, I’m gonna have to go with pwincess_irenemarie on this. It gets the job done. Not that efficiently, but it gets it done.

Answer #10

The college I attend, I think its pretty cool. It isn’t like High School where you have a bunch of immature people. Yet, you do have your immature adults in college but, I don’t think that many. I like the college I attend. I don’t find it boring at all.

Answer #11

practically everyone dreads there school life, and I do too.. but WTF it take up our BEST YEARS!! garr I hate it, I wish we started old and faded to babies, so our education could have happened when we were all wrinkly and ‘wise’ looking..

okay.. that didnt make any sense.

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