what do you think when when you kill a spider

when you kill a spider do you feel guilty afterwards I mean its not a dog or cat but it helps the enviroment when it kills flys and other bad insects

Answer #1

I feel guilty even if they’re one of my greatest fears. I think about it like this.. They were just alive, living to the fullest and didn’t even know their time has come. I just ended their life. :( it makes me sad.

Answer #2

Spiders freak me out. I can’t stand to even look at them so it doesn’t bother me to kill them. I know the are good for the environment but still can’t stomach them.

Answer #3

Nope, never killed a spider… I just trap it and move it outside, or make my dad do it… (my cat however is a pain about killing things, although I dont think she knows why I yell at her when she tries to kill stuff…)

Answer #4

I feel bad if I kill lady bugs, rolie-polies, heck, even ants…but spiders, I show no mercy. I have arachnophobia so they must go at all costs. =D

Answer #5

How do I feel after killing a spider or a fly or something like that? Well, not a special feeling but surely NOT guilty. Maybe a relief cause flyes annoy me so much :D

Answer #6

a little bit, because its still a life, no matter how small it is, I even feel guilty if I step on an ant accidently or soemthing because no matter how small it is, its still a living thing it might not be as big as a cat or a dog or a whale, and sure they out number those animals a few thousand to 1 but its still a life lost

Answer #7

Depends on which type of spider. Generally yes… they catch mosquitos etc…so I like them around.

Answer #8

I feel bad whenever I kill anything like that…

Answer #9

I don’t kill them…I move them…they eat other bugs…


Answer #10

um I think gross thats what you get!! omg thats mean but still ewww I hate spiders

Answer #11

I don’t like killing them, I always feel mean lol… but seriously, they really creep me out!!!

So Many legs!!!

Answer #12

I actually feel really bad after I kill a spider or any other bug or insect.. because usally they never do anything to me.. :(

Answer #13

I don’t like killing them, I always feel mean lol… but seriously, they really creep me out!!!

Answer #14

No. I feel grossed out. Spiders scare me.

Answer #15

I don’t think anything besides… “Ewww its all over my shoe.”

Answer #16

I do actually feel guilty yes. That’s why I don’t actaully kill it, I suck it up with the hoover so I can’t see it :S

Answer #17

no I dont feel guilty at all

Answer #18

what do I think? lol -damn spider DIE!-

Answer #19

It’s not really that I feel guilty that freaks me out when I kill something (or think or know that I killed it), I just find it really, really, really disturbing that I’m aware I was the one who killed it, especially when it comes to crushing bugs, whether I killed it with my bare hand or a brick.

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