What do I need to do with this brother of mine ?

My problem is as follow : I have a brother that is older than me by 2years, two years ago he graduated and have found a job .then he started bying things ;first he bought a fancy computer , the next month he bought a desk and bed for his room ;by the way the thing with his room is that it is not entirely his , since all of my stuff are there from my clothes to my books of studies so it is not his own room , hence I get to use that room as much as he does although I don’t sleep there , poor me , without my own room I have to sleep on the couch, but that’s not a problem I ve learned to adjust ,however what does bother me is this : by the way his last fancy things is a huge tv I can’t even describe how big it is ; what is killing me is that everytime I want to watch tv ;on his tv; I get into a fight with him .he forbids me from watching his tv or simply changes the channel to make me leave the room .s

Answer #1

You really have to ignore him. Seems like he is trying to flaunt his things. You have to respect his stuff . If he doesnt want you watching his tv (though thats stupid) then just dont watch it…Act like you dont care..then he will notice and let go of trying to look like big man of the house…get me?

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