What do I do when my mom doesn't love me anymore?

It has crossed my mind since this rift came between me and my mom I mean how bad could cutting urself be? My mom looks at me like if I am responsible for all the wrongs going on right know and she always puts me down she has I think never said a positive comment about me she thinks I am not good enough and I am useless she treats me like I don’t matter.. Do you know how hard it is to watch and listen to your own mother tell you you are not good enough or like you shouldn’t even be here and she doesn’t even brag about you I am a good artist but she thinks it is a waste of time and that I shud be studying more when I only get to watch 1-2 hrs of tv a day and I talk on the phone once a day for the most and she says that she will disconnect the tv and the phone. She tells me that I look like a barrel that am really fat and she says that to everyone it is sooo embarassing and she hits me I don’t know what to do please help me…

Answer #1

I find it hard to believe that any parent does not love their child. Parenting does not come with a book, and it is very possible this is the only way she knows how to behave, in an effort to get you to comply, and yet she does not understand the damage she is doing to you. You both need help. I am not condoning hitting anyone, nor do I condone cutting. It is bad, as you should not damage the body God has given you. God does not want your Mom to hurt you; your mom has made bad choices in regard to you. God loves you no matter what, and he has provided other adults who can help you. Go as quickly as you can to a school counselor, call a hot line (you can get aq number through the operator, 411, local hospital, or even call the police. You are not alone, and many people are on your side. Sin is what separates man from God, but God takes the bad stuff in our lives, and if we let Him, he will make us stronger people for it. Get help immediately, call soeone or go to your principle, some one, get help. The last thing you need is cut yourself too deep, or get a major infection, and you will not get to live a life you were meant to live. You will one day become an adult, then it is your choice to live the right way, without self destructive behavior, and you will learn to realize that the only true love is from God, that people can fail.

Answer #2

no dont let her, TRUST me… she’ll just get mad. it sounds like she has an underlying problem, and shes just looking for someone to blame. Face it, it always feels better when you blame someone for your problems, to take the blame off of urself. its just that its usually aimed at your boss, that person who did this, or the person who did that. your just a scapegoat, and your mother needs help. and sweety, cutting yourself is bad. really bad. I know it lets the stress out, it feels pretty good… but the scars stay there forever. yah, its good to b reminded of the power you have, but not when your old and decreped or want to go to church, or go swimming, or wear a short sleeved shirt even. I know EXACTLY how you feel. dont let it get to u. I do martial arts… or did martial arts, that is until it was recently taken away from me for sending too many txts(even tho I have unltd txt) it was 200 in a week lol…but anyways, what I did to excape the phisical pain(where you cant do anything cause theyre practicing a technique and trying to get you to tap out-hapkido-) was to mentally excape to the forest. I have this big green forest in my mind that is sooo peaceful, and there is no pain. I freed myself from my body and went there. for emotional pain, I went to a cave made entirely out of ice (ever c fightclub, the movie?) and there I would picture myself hugging a penguin. I’ve always wanted to hug a pengin… anyways, when I go there, I feel nothing, no anger (I have serious anger issues, so feeling no anger is big) no pain. the penguin cares about me and if I need to cry, he is there for me. sometimes this is replaced with a polar bear with me in a big cave that I dug in the deep snow. its very peaceful. if im sad, I think about what would make me the happiest. my boyfriend proposing to me. I imagine him proposing to me in winter, in boston, on a park bench. I put my hands to my face and make that oh my god face, and we stand up and I jump up and hug him. he says im taking that as a yes. and it ends like that. find a different way to free youself from pain.

Answer #3

yeah just leave this up on your home comter one day and leave the room she’ll see it lol. I’m srry girl but you can’t let that crap get to you, your strong, you have artistic ability. so do I, I’m going to college for it, so tell her that haha.it’ll get better and if it doesn’t shit run away live with another family member

Answer #4

I know how you feel my mom does the same thing and its even worse now but what I do is I dont care what she says I just ignore it and if she makes me talk to her I just listen , talk calmly and think really hard about what I say … I still get hit and stuff but this may help you

Answer #5

Yes! I do know how its like! well… not me but my cousin knows and is even badder than that but the thing is meaby let her read this and she will find out how you feel or just talk to her siriusly!!

Answer #6

I know what you mean…All my life was a torture..my mom always was beating me for everything I did..she once tried to kill me but lucky my uncle was there,after my father left us and her stupid boyfriend came in our familly has started new and more big problems..hes a drunker he all day drunk and lost our money on casino..so from so much dramas and fights I got bad sick..I have asthma now:(and Im worry I have and cancer but I won’t tell this to nobody..all this drama mades me lonely I dont have much friends and I stay all day in my room crying..it’s not a good idea to let your mom see this.Try to ignore her and if she hits you hit her back and then run.Nobody it’s perfect so she should not say to others that your fat or something,she should look first at her then to talk!I wish you goodluck and remember what I told you Im 13 turning on 14 but my friends real life said that Im acting like an adult…Bye:-*

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