Is it worth staying with him?

I been with my boyfriend for 6months. And we are so in love still. But since his grades are bad, his mom blames me. And she took his phone and everything. So now we cant hang out or talk outside of school and its annoying that she hates me. I love him so much. Is it worth staying with him? And im in 8th grade, we’re going to different highschools, do we stay together in highschool? Help me please! I dont want to lose him, we did everything and we love each other. What do I do?

Answer #1

if you really love him I say you should hold on. his mom cant & wont controll him forever . & maybe you could find ways to see eachother outside of school without his mom knowing, like planning to go to the movies at the same time, like he could say hes going to go with some friends. lol. itd be really difficult but hey, love is love. cant just give up on it because she doesnt want you together ya know? && maybe if he gets his grades up then she’ll let you guys hangout (:

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