What do I do, im 15 and me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex?

hello, im fifteen and my boyfriend is seventeen, we had unprotected sex and he came inside me. It was very stupid of me to have unprotected sex, but I don’t want a child. I’m too young, I always thought oh,it will never happen to me, I don’t know if im pregnant yet we had sex about two week ago, but what can I do? Im scared and if my mum found out, she’d go ballastic. Im too young to have the abortion pill aren’t I? Help me..

Answer #1


You might be pregnant, or you might not be pregnant. Some people have unprotected sex very often and don’t get pregnant. Ever heard of folks who want a baby and she just doesn’t get pregnant? Maybe nothing happened.

So first of all: find out. There are pregnancy tests you can do at home. (Very simple. You soak the test-strip with your urine and it measures your hormones and it changes color.) Ask in a pharmacy. They sell those. If you’re scared that you mom will find it, use it in a public restroom.

Second: If you are pregnant go to a doctor. Ask the doctor what you can do. They’ll tell you. DON’T try any suspicious medication or home-abortion stunts. Don’t even think about it. This can get you killed. Or it doesn’t work and you still get the baby and the baby is crippled somehow. Better to risk having trouble with your parents than to get yourself killed or to have to raise a child who needs constant medical care.

Third: If you’re not pregnant go back to that pharmacy and buy a box of condoms. They’re quite safe if you use them correctly. Read the instructions in the box before visiting your boyfriend again. If you’re not sure how to handle the condom, get a Banana and practice. Really. No kidding.

Fourth: See a Doctor and get the pill, if you plan on having sex regularly. It’s safer than condoms.

Fifth: Even if you are on the pill, still use condoms. They protect you from diseases. Your boyfriend might not have any. But then are you sure? Do you know all his ex-girlfriends? Are you absolutely sure he doesn’t cheat? Use condoms. It’s not just HIV. Other diseases come that way, too. Google for syphilis, tripper, hepatitis, chlamydia and crab lice. You don’t want any of those. Unless you are adult, married, unless you want kids and unless you are sure you man doesn’t cheat always use condoms.

If your boyfriend doesn’t want to use condoms, he’s irresponsible. Don’t sleep with irresponsible people.

Answer #2

The abortion pill is a pill that you can ONLY get via a clinic or doctor and you can only use it when you are under a few weeks pregnant, technically it is when you opt for a medical and NOT a surgical abortion.

I would however first suggest that you wait 2-3 weeks to find out if you are actually pregnant and then decide what you want to do from there on. You might actually not be pregnant and you can only use a home pregnancy test after minimum of 2 weeks.

Furthermore I suggest you do tell an adult that you trust if you happen to be pregnant before you decide on abortion because abortion can have some serious consequences.

Answer #3

It’s called the normal morning after pill. NOT THE ABORTION pill. It is an overdose of estrogen and causes your body to have a period. I.e the uterus lining sloughs of.

You need to go to planned parenthood or a clinic and find out about the morning after pill. Which you would ONLY be able to use within 72 hours of having sex. You’re not too young to use it.

Furthermore while you’re at your doctor or free clinic or whatever ask them to explain to you HOW BIRTH CONTROL works and to give you some.

Answer #4

BEK, The pregnancy test at my local Planned Parenthood would be FREE. Call up one near you. It would also be confidential. And after, if you chose, they can give you complete unbiased counselling about all your options - whether or not you are pregnant.

Also free STD testing if you want that.

Good Luck!!

Answer #5

I don’t know about the cost, unfortunately. I think it depends on where you get it. Your best bet is to phone planned parenthood or go there and find out, but PLEASE FIND OUT IF YOU ARE pregnant FIRST.

Answer #6

yeah, I had sex about a week ago, well about 9 days. so no, I cant have the morning after pill thats why I asked about the abortion pill, do you know what that is? :/ I don.t no wt t do

Answer #7

that actually helped a lot thanks, does it cost a lot then? x

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