What do I do.. I amsuch an idiot

I dont know what to do because.. I like this guy soo much I cannot constanly stop thinking about him.. Its like im obssessed or something :s my friends actually think I am Well… Anyway..

Im 15 and the we had sex a cuple of months back when I was 14 he was my first so I do think a lot about him.. We have sex like every 2 weeks.. We meet up at late at night when wer both pissd..and its sort of like secret but every1 knows weve shagged like all ov our mates…he doesnt speak to me when hese with the lads.much.and he never gets in contact with me or rings me after weve had sex.. We have had sex loads.. Its like hese embarressed about me or something.. Ino I will end up meeting him on friday.. Its like im love stoned.. Hese a lot older than me.. And I dont fink hese enjoying the sex because he never cums.. I fink he myt have a problem or something :s but im scared of asking him and I dont know what way to ask him .. I dont know whether I am enjoying it but I just want to make him happy.. I am an idiot ino.. !! He tells me he loves me but he is not ready for a relationship..and that so I just accept it please help wt do I do about it I fink about him all the tyme

Answer #1

girl!! I was in the exact same position I was 14 and he was 19 and he said he loved me and everything like that I know it REALLY REALLY hurts im 16 now and im so glad I let go of him becuase I found mr right that is 19 and loves me for who I am! you need to get rid of him!!

Answer #2

I’m not going to candy coat this;

He’s using you for sex. that’s all he’s doing. That’s the most classic line of bull sh*t they can throw at you. Almost from a movie really.

Alright, So he says he “loves you” but he don’t want a relationship… That’s just sex. He’s just leading you on telling you the things you want to hear… If your going to make sex a huge part of your relationship, don’t plan on having one that will last.

I’m sorry, I really am, Steve

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