questions on conception

I had a question about accuracy when the doctor gives you a due date and a conception date without having an LMP. I was always irregular with my periods but for the past 4 months before the month I conceived I was always the first week of the month. Usually the 1st or 2nd day I’d start my period. I had a breakup issue & went back to my ex like an idiot and had unprotected sex with him. It was between the dates of Nov1st-Nov 13th (the latest) but as of now Im due August 20th. They went by just the ultra sound and told me I conceived November 27th .. 7 days after or before give or take which will def. put me in the clear. I had my first ultra sound at 5 weeks.then 8 weeks.then another at 16 weeks and then this one just passed was my 18 week I believe. could someone tell me what they think??

Answer #1

ultrasound are pretty accurate. give or take a week. due dates are given to give you and idea when you will give birth. it can be two weeks before or after your estimated due date.

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