I'm depressed and don't know what to do

Hi. I am a depressed(slit wrists)thirteen year old bulimic and 6 months pregnant. What the hell do I do???. I havent told anyone except funadvice, bt I’ll give ya a little advice, this topic is not fun.

Please help me :’(

Answer #1

STOP THROWING UP! wth? do you even CARE that you’re pregnant? You realize that your baby is going to have SO many problems if you DON’T stop forcing yourself to throw up! With you being pregnant, your baby NEEDS nutrients (which you take in when you eat) in order to grow! If you’re throwing up your food as soon as you eat it then what the hell do you think is going to happen to your baby??? Also, you being pregnant you need to tell someone, go to the doctor, & get put on prenatal vitamins - atleast then he’d have SOME kind of freakin nutirents going to him. I’m not trying to be so mean, but I HATE ignorant people, you don’t even REALIZE what you’re putting your innocent child through & he/she’s not even in this world yet. If you can’t stop slitting your wrists & forcing yourself to throw up, then you obviously don’t even care about the life you’re carrying around inside you, you just care about yourself & how do you expect to take care of a baby if you can’t take care of yourself ?? Your child will eventually catch on to the crap that you’re doing when he/she gets older. So think about your baby, seriously. & Please tell your parents that you’re pregnant, prenatal health is SO important during pregnancy & your doctor needs to monitor how much your baby is growing & also, he’ll check everything to make sure that you’re not high-risk pregnancy, which you probably are if you’re throwing up everything you eat. Hope I wasn’t too mean! & Good luck, really.

Answer #2

HI!!!. I know this says its written by fau, but I have decidid to come clean. I actually posted this question. I just want to say thank you so much for the support and advice. I dont live with my parents as they are ALWAYS away on buisness trips. I live with my older sisters. I have told my older sister Lilia and just rang up my parents and told them. They are on a flight bak down now!!!. who’s proud of me???. I have been showing for about 2 months but my sisters didn’t really notice as I only see them at night when I were my baggy pj’s and sweats. My daughters name is Addison Taylah Meester. My sister is a 0pgyn so she did the test’s for me. She says we are totally healthy. Also I have made a vow not to ever evr ever throw up on purpose ever again. Since I found out I was pregnant I have given up slittling my wrists and slowly been lifted out of my depression. School is absoluetly fine and I will not drop out because of Addie. My best friend, bulimicsweetie has also vowed to attemp to stop having bulimia nervosa. It will be hard but in 3 months I will have a little baby girl so I will be happy. I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!!!.

xoxo Addies mommy!!!

Answer #3

Also, if you’re 6 months pregnant & your parents havn’t even REALIZED that yet then your baby is DEFINATELY not growing normally. You start showing at 4 months, if you’re 6 months you should be getting pretty big && you being pergnant would be pretty obvious to everyone, which if it isn’t you should seriously tell your parents & GO TO THE DOCTOR.

Answer #4

I’m bulimic, severely depressed, a cutter. I’m not pregnant, but I can imagine how that must affect your problems. you need to get help. you know you have to. talk to me anytime.

Answer #5

um I was bulimic, not pregnant, I also cut, but the fact that you r recognizing that you have a problem is a good start. it is bad for the child, being bulimic and all, so id get some help quik. hope you get better xx aryn

Answer #6

I always say the sooner the better so you should tell your parents that you are pregnant! oh yeah and a word of advice (don’t tell them you are bullimic until later so that they wont get madder)!!!

Answer #7

if your 6 months gone surely someone has noticed? youll have to tell at least a doctor about the pregnancy at least. if your that young they may be complications. ask your doctor about the other problems too, the depression and eating disorder are probably linked.

Answer #8

when I got pregant I was so depressed I never wanted kids I hated the thought of getting pregnant but close to the end of my pregnancy I started to cheer up quit a bit what you needa do is tell some one maybe your mum or a aunt a sister etc. with pregancy they say it can bring on a lot of mixed feelings and that is usualy one of them. dont panic every thing will be alright ull see it soon enuff. see I hated being pregnant it was one of the most depressing things ever until I had my baby and realised how attached I was to him. and that every thing happeded for a reason. I wouldnt have changed a thing even if I was a young teen mother. ull see the light at the end of the tunnel soon I can garentee it it may not seem like it I know thats the way it was for me but its coming and shining brighter then ever once you hold your baby! good luck

Answer #9

The answer to this question is simple but the complexities of getting there are difficult. For one you need an ABUNDANCE of help! Having a child alone is hard enough but having problems of your own before having a child is too hard for anybody. If you plan to have this child then you have to be able to take care of yourself first. You don’t have time to be depressed whenever you’re getting ready for a child so all those feelings have to go out the window. If you keep this up you’re going to ruin this child’s life as well as your own. It’s the hard truth but you need to wise up and search out some serious help.

Answer #10

sorry sister you got yourself into that mess, the harsh reality is you’re on your own. stop slitting your writs, it’s just pointless. have some self-respect, don’t do that to yourself. you have to accept the fact that life is hard for ALL of us and LET IT GO. you can’t change the past, but you can save your future. move forward in a positive direction. keep your head up, kid.

Answer #11

First of all id ont like to judge people because I dont like to put in that position but you need a wake up call little girl. Now I can see why they say pregnant teens are selfish and girls like you give teenage parents bad reputations. How do you expect to feed your child if your bulimic. Do you not understand what you are doing to yourself and your child. Are trying to tell us your parents can’t tell your pregnant? Maybe that why your pregnant they dont seem to pay much attention to you huh. Is this a cry for attentiion. YOU NEED HELP AND A DOCTOR.

Answer #12

You really need medical help. Please even if its only for the baby go get some help. Mel

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