What could I do to make my relationship better?

Ok me and my boyfriend have been going out for 3 years and 11 months but he doesnt treat me the way I treat him he doesnt like to be like other couples and take pics with me and I want that to change he takes pics but not as offten and I really want that to change but I don’t know what to doi told himif he doesnt change then ima leave and he says he will but its been 2 weeks and nothing really and I know no one can change like that but I’ve put up with so much from him

Answer #1


Oh my god, I have been with my boyfriend for way over 2 years now, and it’s crap. We always fight everyday! I’m not aloud to go out or talk or be around boys, He talks to me like crap, there’s an issue with everything I do or say or touch! He hates taking pictures with me to unless he’s drunk or in a very good mood which is rare. He ALWAYS accuses me of cheating! When obviously I haven’t! I’m not aloud to talk to people he hates. He hates it when people treat me like crap though he does himself. He hates it when I’m on the computer for long. Or doing something for a long period of time without him, he gets jealous all the time over everything. He doesn’t take me out unless I beg him too. He does buy me lots of stuff, which I think he buys from guilt or thinks thats all he has to do is to make me smile when really I’m depressed all the time, but hide it with a fake laugh or smile or even a conversation because I can’t tell him because it turns to my fault or an arguement, he doesn’t trust me at all, he goes through my bag and purse and reads my reciepts, always asking what I’ve spent my money on and why. Doesn’t like me going out with my family. Or wearing things that are too revealing for me to wear, He hates public transport, such as trains, buses, taxi’s. He’s never been on a plane or only goes by car everywhere, which he has but cant drive as he’s L’s. He does claim to go for his P’s for me, but I still think it won’t be any different, he has been like this for god knows how long, I love him thats why I am still with him and till this day I am still patiently waiting for him to change. I can’t live without him, he is the reason I am still alive through this. But I need space and care sometimes. :( I hate my life because of not just him, but family too. My mum abandoned me for her boyfriend and now lives 10 hours away, my dad is 67 years old! and has a heart condition and smokes and drinks heavily and doesn’t take any medication whats so ever, he’s lonely and always unhappy, I can’t do anything about it either, trust me I’ve tried! ( terrifyed of him dieing soon) , my sister is selfiish and hard to get through. I have no friends (because of my boyfriend) I do have some, but it’s hard to see them as for my boyfriend. (their boys by the way) because I don’t get along so much with girls. I don’t trust anyone! I am always sad and cry sometimes, I am constantly getting put down by everyone I love. the only person I feel like I have left is jason (boyfriend) and he is still making me unhappy. I just want people to be happy with me. I wont see consellors because I dont trust them and I always make the story different with out notice. I don’t feel comfortable with them either. I don’t talk to anyone in my family, they hate me because of my mum. anyway sorry to put all this on you. I’m only 16 by the way and I dont live the life I wish I could, shopping, fashion, friends, going out, laughing till you cry, family love. it’s sounds like a dream life. I’m starting not to eat properly or talk as much anymore or even sleep. All I do it waste time and listen to music that relate to me. Anway I’m sorry to put all this on you have a good one and I wish the best for you. xx

Answer #2

hey sgb I know how you feel everything will turn out just fine um maybe we should become friends beacause we go through almost the same I will explain mine in a message or something else

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