what color eyeshadow?

what color of eyeshadow do you think would look good for me. in case you can’t see I have green eyes and my hair is a auburn, not brown. and I’m really pale. I’ve been using gold eyeshadow but I’m kinda sick of it. got any other suggestions. by the way don’t say plum or anything like that. I don’t like colors that make me stick out too much

Answer #1

I have Green eyes also. Try a pretty light blue at the lid, try to find eye shadow that comes with a light pink and purple. I went to the mall and even asked teh makeup artist what my best color, and she hooked me up.

Answer #2

try greens, like jades or anything that’s close to your eye color. earthy greens, not like light lime or anything. purples might work too. you say you dont like plum, and I totally understand not wanting to overdo it, but maybe try some lighter color purples?

Answer #3

I forgot…how bout brown eyeliner!?

Answer #4

maybe a shade of pink that you like. I have blue eyes,and I always wear gold eyeshadow to, its starting to get olddd.

Answer #5

Definitely brown eyeliner!

Answer #6

neutrals…browns, coral, light pink, light purple like lavender.

Answer #7

browns, greys, and sparkely colors

Answer #8

Golden or Lavender would look best.

Answer #9

same as heather

Answer #10


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