What can I do to stop my rabbit from getting bored ?

My rabbit loves coming inside to run round but when he is in his hutch he sometimes just sits there looking bored. What can I do to stop him from getting bored ?

Answer #1

my rabbits love chewing on wood, so I just take a piece of wood, put it in their cage and they keep themselves entertained Or try putting a handful of hay in the pen, mine love it

Answer #2

I used to have a rabbit and we let it run around outside because our yard is surrounded by a fence. and we let him walk around in one of the rooms in our house…wasnt really the rabbit room but she didnt kind of claim that room haha. maybe give him something to chew on, we used to give mine the inside cardboard piece of a toilet paper roll to chew on and she loved those. it was better than watching her sit there! and even the cardboardish cup holders you get at mcdonalds or something those are good too because they are bigger. hope this all helped! :]

Answer #3

I used to have a rabbit and he loved to hop through tunnels and stuff, you can make a sort of obstacle course using cardboard boxes and stuff like that. He also loooved to be petted gently and brushed. Good Luck :)

Answer #4

you could just let it run around or something, buy it something to entertain itself with…haha

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