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what can I do if my ex keeps hacking me MSN's?
Could I report my Ex to the poilce for constanley hacking my Msn’s?
Well first of all I just wanted to say that honestly you shouldn’t have gave him your password, but then again I’ve done that before lol but if you have internet at home you should get on it and change it yourself then from now on don’t tell anyone.. especially your bfs your password.. I hope I helped a little bit
I contacted the bank when it happend, as I had to change my bank details ect . - ivve emailed microsof .. and got my account back but he hacked it back within a few days :| so I’ve asked them to re send link and to track back the IP so I can report it to the poilce
Contact your bank, your internet service provider and the staff at MSN. Let them know what’s happening, and they will be able to give you better options.
But there not really any prof that he did get hold of it.. except for, him sayin hes got it and he tells me the last 3 digits
Thats not the point, he constanley doing it. he hacks in to he gets all my details and works them all out I think and hes also got hold of my bank details before !!! and im fed up with it!!
I suggest you notify the people at MSN for information on this. The police might not get involved depending on the situation.
How is he hacking your msn? If you have a good password, and have made sure you have a good firewall/ anti-virus in place, then it should be difficult for him to get into your MSN. Unless you’ve explored every possible solution to stop this, the police can’t do anything.
I’m not sure you can report him if you told him your password in the first place. But you could just change your password :)
You can right click on his screen name and block him
I didnt give him my password !!
Yes, you can report him to the police and charge him, Its against the computer missuse act and Im a microsoft techy, so I know what IM ON ABOUT! :)
If he got hold of your banking information, then that is something you should report to police. With that alone, you have grounds to charge him.
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